Reviews for Deus Ex Machina
bookiez chapter 1 . 1/4/2016
i hate how the angel treat sam . and dean too when he knows about ruby and demin blood . but can't he see how sam was trying to survive without him and fill his emptiness . i know it's wrong, but don't look at him like something else
Guest chapter 1 . 8/23/2015
Just found this. It always hurt me too that the angels treated Sam like he was just dirt underneath their feet and not good enough when he was the one that believed. Loved how you wove it all together.
Fi Suki Saki chapter 1 . 1/25/2015
the way Cas did something for Sam was really unique and very interesting. For Dean, we all know he do it just straight, but for Sam, in here it was through something or someone.

Since I don't remember well how he act in season 4, I will just take it as canon. because I can see this happens in that season.

JazzyIrish chapter 1 . 5/3/2014
I have no idea how I missed this fabulous story. I was organizing my bookmarks and I came upon it. It's like a breath of fresh air reading stories in which the guys really, truly care about one another even if things are not perfectly alright between them.

I liked the way Castiel was used in the story - a reluctant, but ultimately, reliable caretaker of the boys - both of them. I suspect he knows that he'll lose Dean forever if Dean loses Sam when Cas could have helped.

Great suspense and action in this one. Hearing each brother's thoughts about each other and the "elephant-in-the-room" between them was really the heart of the story. Seeing both sides of their discomfort - and reasons for it - sets the balance that somehow we've lost in the show.

I really laughed at the ridiculous story that Dean came up with to explain Sam's situation. Very clever! Thanks for sharing this with us. Always love to read your balanced, well-written stories. Until next time...
Guest chapter 1 . 7/26/2013
Loved this:

Sam forced a smile. "You mean, you wouldn't, say, bring me fresh hearts if I got turned by a werewolf?"

Dean eyed him, more seriously than Sam had intended. "Yeah," he finally said, quiet and almost sad. "I would."

Thanks for sharing.
Freya922 chapter 1 . 6/27/2013
These last fics of yours I've randomly read are all just packed with perfect characterizations of the boys post Season 3...when things really began to get screwed up between them. This was a terrific glimpse at their issues post-Dean's Hell. I was especially struck by this passage acknowledging the state Sam was left in:

"He'd always believed Sam could do anything. Even when it was impossible, like keeping his head together when he'd just witnessed the only family he had left torn apart in front of him. He'd seen his girl burn, saw Dad go down, knew his mom had died over his bed. Dean had never even considered that his brother wouldn't survive witnessing his death, too, that he'd finally reached his breaking point. Not until he'd come back to find Sam broken."

Killed me! Also the line about Sam's breath smelling like "morning breath and sulfer." Sob. Bravo. Really.
sapphireswimming chapter 1 . 6/16/2013
Ah, I really like this one too. You are the best author I've read to get into the heads of Sam and Dean and explain what it is they're thinking and how they're reacting to each other and recent events and what is happening in whatever plot you've cooked up for them this time. It was great understanding where both of them were coming from right after Dean had gotten back from Hell. And interesting that you've added Castiel into the mix this time. Certainly adds a new element to the team dynamic.
borgmama1of5 chapter 1 . 6/15/2013
""You mean, you wouldn't, say, bring me fresh hearts if I got turned by a werewolf?" Dean eyed him, more seriously than Sam had intended. "Yeah," he finally said, quiet and almost sad. "I would.""

That says it all...

Great season 4 story!
SPN Mum chapter 1 . 6/15/2013
Yeah, having angels not want to have anything to do with you, that would suck. Especially when the person they were helping didn't believe in God or angels, yet the person who did was considered an abomination, through no fault of his own. I always felt Sam got the short end of the stick.
fogsrollingin chapter 1 . 6/7/2013
"Try again, Sam." Dean's voice, implacable and unrelenting. "One more try—you can do this, Sammy." - The suspense above and below (& obviously including) this line was fantastic! Thank you so much!
pandora jazz chapter 1 . 6/4/2013
What a wonderful treat. :) Thank you for sharing some more of your stories with us.

I never guessed that the monster Dean and Sam were looking for was a manspider.

I liked these thoughts from Sam about who can call him Sammy or not. 'Ruby had tried to call him Sammy. Sam hadn't let her. That was Dean's right alone. God, he'd missed his brother.' - 'Suffocation was an awful way to die, but he couldn't seem to mind it. He hadn't really been living anyway since midnight had struck in New Harmony and Dean had died and gone to Hell.'

Wonderful ending when Dean reassured Sam that he would always be there for his little brother and Sam felt a little better about himself since Castiel had helped.
Shazza chapter 1 . 5/29/2013
I read most everything you had written at the time about a year ago. I didn't know how to review then or I would have. I loved finding new material when I looked back at your name. I am going to read everything in reverse, until I catch up to where I left off. Love your stuff, such clear, accurate voices for the " boys", must point out " men" still gotta love em. So excited that you have a posting schedule for the summer !
Visionairy chapter 1 . 5/30/2013
So sad to see the end of another great season. However, I was sooo happy to read that you'll be posting regularly again throughout the hellatus! I always love your stories since there's always a great storyline and dialog, and then additionally, the wonderful depth and feeling behind each story. In this one, I particularly liked, "Dean had never even considered that his brother wouldn't survive witnessing his death, too, that he'd finally reached his breaking point. Not until he'd come back to find Sam broken. Maybe it was himself he'd really been mad at when he'd seen what Sam had sunk to, not the kid. How could he be mad at Sam going blind with grief for him?"

And of course, I can't say enough about the way you craft your sentences. Wow! Is it the second Sunday yet?
LittleLurker chapter 1 . 5/29/2013
Thanks for this. Made my day and I'm friends again with Sam. :-)
And, you were completely right in your last PM - I also think that we're not that far apart in how we see both brothers and: yes (again), I'd like to see some (more) of it acted out on screen while you run with what we're given and weave your own brilliant scenes and epsiodes. BTW, the fact that all your stories can be read as canon (or very close to it) is just another highlight for me and should make one more notch in your story-teller belt.

Take care, D.
louis chapter 1 . 5/26/2013
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