Reviews for The Doctor and His Maiden
Fleur24 chapter 1 . 8/11/2015
I'll admit I was a tad worried about this when I saw the summary for this story, but's actually rather pleasant and rather cute. I love the idea of Ten meeting a young Marian, and him telling her that Robin's not all bad.
Brittany468 chapter 3 . 8/7/2013
I love this so far! please continue, I must see what Marian and the Doctor can get up to! :)
Fritz as Pritz chapter 3 . 8/4/2013
You're back woo! I loved this and I can't wait until they start talking again.

Sophie chapter 2 . 6/23/2013
Aww! Poor Marian. I love how the story is developing... Keep it up!
Fritz as Pritz chapter 2 . 6/22/2013
Yah you continued! You got Marian, Robin, and Much's character practically spot on and I love the fact that she punched Robin. I can't wait to see the Doctor though and what he thinks of this new Marian.

toxicjade chapter 1 . 6/20/2013
Dear genius,
Do you know what this story is? It is potential, wrapped up in a beautiful little box. I can already see the character and story development, and for such a short chapter, that's amazing. I adored your characterization of the Doctor. You got his emotions spot-on, not to mention your superb portrayal of his physical actions. I also loved the little mention of Robin and Much, and I would love to see Marian become friends with them over the Doctor's next few visits. I can't believe I've never really considered the 10/Marian dynamic, because it really is so good. Marian embodies the inner beauty and outer beauty and strength of all the Doctor's companions. I was so sad when I saw this only had one chapter! Incredibly well written, I hope to see more chapters soon! Feel free to bounce ideas off me if you're stuck!

Fritz as Pritz chapter 1 . 6/14/2013
Continue! Please continue!
The.Platycorn chapter 1 . 6/2/2013
You should definitely continue this, this is brilliant!:)
Guest chapter 1 . 5/29/2013
Sounds awesome! Keep it up!