Reviews for Second Chances
Guest chapter 18 . 7/26
Rin and Sesshomaru - More mature than Kagome and Inuyasha.
bitterbeauty813 chapter 18 . 7/26
Great chapter! I can't wait for Inuyasha to find out he is Kisa's dad!
Angel-the-hedge chapter 18 . 7/25
Dragon heart33 chapter 17 . 7/16
Cont this story no part2
NekoxRose chapter 17 . 4/27
Honestly, I'm jus glad that you're back, and writing again. I know writers block isn't fun.
njdevin529 chapter 1 . 4/24
Holy crow!
This is an awesome set up:) I’m actually kind of mad that InuYasha gave in so easily, but that’s the kind of thing you want so your readers are compelled to come back for more;) Poor Kagome. She must be so scared, but thankfully, she has Sango! I love the dynamic in the relationship you built for them. They’re like soul sisters:x
bitterbeauty813 chapter 17 . 4/17
Great chapter! I can't wait for more!
Agauger chapter 17 . 4/17
I was so excited you posted again so quickly! Cant wait to read on!
Agauger chapter 16 . 4/16
I have missed this story SOOOO much! Thank you so much for coming back. I really missed the drama of this story and continously tried to make up endings to it in my head in case you weren't coming back to it... it was such a nice treat with this pandemic going on. Hope we see another chappie again soon! stay safe!
bitterbeauty813 chapter 16 . 4/15
Great chapter! I can't wait for more!
Guest chapter 15 . 3/11
Guest chapter 7 . 5/16/2019
Not going to get super deep on the subject or lash you too hard, but you're seriously over-simplifying concepts like PTSD and alchoholism. It's cool if you want these topics in your story but I'm not going to lie, it is leaving a bad taste. For me at least, having a touch of PTSD myself. And having watched peers drink themselves to death wishing they could stop. Also, please get a beta-reader for structural issues, it's jarring when there is a perspective shift without even a paragraph break. Suggest ending the paragraph after each spoken line, that might help.
InuyashasGrl26 chapter 15 . 5/15/2019
This is a great story. I hope that you’ll update soon
Agauger chapter 15 . 5/13/2019
Aww! I'm so glad you are continuing this story. Started in 2013! I'm always looking for new fics and I'm glad to have stumbled on to this one. I am glad they are close again. I hope kagome tells him about Kisa soon. He is so close to discovering it himself. Cant wait for an update!
Guest chapter 15 . 5/11/2019
This was great! This was always one of my favorite stories and so well written! Thank you, so glad to see it come back.
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