Reviews for Fate keyblade of wind
Mangareader13 chapter 7 . 2/7
Damnit. *long amounts of swearing* Caster got away.

Vanitas would make a good Assassin, though if he was a Servant he would fit Saber, Caster and Beserker.

Hey its Ven.
Mangareader13 chapter 6 . 2/7
We meet again.

Caster being dealt never gets old.

Mangareader13 chapter 5 . 2/7
I can only say that things have gone to hell if Xehanort is active.

Ventus pretty good so far.
If Gilgamesh has the X-blade and if Vani is around then I can see Vani and Ven willingly unite.
Mangareader13 chapter 4 . 2/7
At least we know that the others reacting.
I like how that section of the multiverse is straight up called Nasuverse. Totally unimaginative but hey it works.

Vanitas never gets a break, Xehanort has way too many plans.
Wait a second Vani is the darkness of Ven incarnate in Fate we have the All the World's Evil... well that shall be interesting.
Mangareader13 chapter 2 . 2/6
Time for the introductions.
Mangareader13 chapter 1 . 2/6
This is going to do nothing for Ven's mental health. Get this kid a highly skilled therapist ASAP.

It might take a while before Ven stops being a fish out of water.
By which point anyone of actual note will have found him will be thinking up who knows what (depends on the character really).
Neo-Devil chapter 4 . 7/10/2016
Zelretch probably did have something to with this...afterall altering the warp path that Terra made as Ventus fell in...Zelretch still one of my favorite characters...

I mean really, we all like Zelretch's easy going personality...its hard not to laugh when he pops up in a fic...
gundam 09 chapter 7 . 2/25/2016
Nice, please make the next chapter soon.
nomad chapter 7 . 8/3/2014
Nice story, can't wait for Tokiomi's plans for acquiring a keyblade. Keep it up.
EvanderAdvent chapter 5 . 1/25/2014
I love Gilgamesh's story of the Keyblade War. Kingdoms Hearts being the same as Akasha, Gil taking part in the war with his golden Keyblade, and using Ea to destroy the X-Blade, EPIC!
Toaneo07 Ver2.0 chapter 7 . 11/27/2013
Reishin Amara chapter 7 . 11/25/2013
i m lovin this story!especially the gilgamesh involvement!
Monkey D. Conan chapter 4 . 10/27/2013
Will this be JeannexVen because it would be interesting to see Ben and her views conflict as they tried to build a relationship and since Jeanne possessed a 15 year old who supposedly looked exactly like her and Ven is 14 it would make I like unusual pairings.
Jebest4781 chapter 7 . 8/6/2013
man things are really great and I absolutely want more of this. also think that Mickey should team up with Kariya to take down Zouken once and for all since the bastard literally needs to die for what he had done to Sakura. also think that it would help Kariya to get out of his funk and to be good once again and Mickey can help cleanse the guy from all of those bugs.
Jebest4781 chapter 6 . 8/6/2013
man things are really getting fun on what is to come since Vanitus and Mickey have finally joined the party and don't know what will be going on next with reunions and all that such. think that you should have Ven help Lancelot/Berzerker control his madness and close up the darkness inside of him to help out better along with other fun stuff. also had to laugh when Rin and Kariya freaked out seeing the Mickey Mouse right in the flesh and would wonder what the fuck is going on. hehe can already tell that Rin would literally be all fangasmic when she tells her friends that Mickey Mouse saved the day and she would literally buy a shit load of Disney merchendise when she gets older.
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