Reviews for Low
BigSister2 chapter 2 . 2/5/2016
Oh you are a godsend! This was incredibly hot, sexy, freaking amazing. Just Dean and Seth was hot, but then you add Roman. God. Thank you so much for the lovely piece of work.
Fantooome chapter 2 . 10/19/2015
That was so hot! Kudos!
Queen Preferences chapter 2 . 8/16/2015
It just so powerful you feel like your in the bed with them.
BelieveInTheHoundsOfJustice60 chapter 2 . 6/9/2015
Love it.
AlysaKhater chapter 2 . 1/13/2015
Bless this fic
MandaBearTx chapter 2 . 8/24/2014
ok...yup...I need a new pair of panties...
Bella1283 chapter 2 . 8/19/2014
Wow that was awesome ! It was Kind sweet! You be an amazing writer! Xoxo
Loretta's Purple Orchid chapter 2 . 3/26/2014
I enjoyed everything about this! It was so damn hot! Great job :)
ChocolateReignz chapter 2 . 1/30/2014
NESSAANCALIME6913 chapter 2 . 8/5/2013
SO worth the read!
MagicallyMalicious chapter 2 . 7/22/2013
Mind. Blown. Thank you very much
DearNoAttachments chapter 2 . 7/17/2013
Breathe Artistic chapter 2 . 7/2/2013
I can't believe I haven't reviewed this before.

I just...I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've read this over and over and how much I love it. It's just intense and absolutely on fire and I seriously will continue to reread this and never get sick of it.

I love this so much. Amazing job!
luvcmpunk314 chapter 2 . 6/21/2013
Yeah ... totally don't care that this didn't turn into a story like you wanted because it's super hot. Dean and Seth together were just yum, especially the way Dean had Seth so lost in the pleasure he was giving him.

My favorite part of Roman coming in was Seth's horrified cringing embarrassment, but at the same time being so turned on by and compliant to Dean that he doesn't make too much of an effort to leave. He just hides his face so that he can keep having sex. That's sorta adorable. But Dean's whole dialogue *while* still doing Seth? Yowza. So freakin' hot.

The power struggle between Dean and Roman was very interesting because of course Dean "really just couldn't resist" pushing to get what he wanted. But I like that Dean kinda sorta gave in to get that experience and have that connection and understanding with Seth.

This was great. I'm fast becoming obsessed with Dean. He's so interesting to write and read about. Great job!
45678934567333 chapter 2 . 6/7/2013
Ok so chapter 2 is EVEN BETTER than chapter 1 (and I just love that, just like pudding after tea) and I really don’t know where to fucking begin with this. Seth’s unease at the beginning just pushes all my buttons. You can just feel his embarrassment and his shock so keenly that Dean’s reaction is just *perfect* in contrast, “he's flooded and dripping with fury in a second.”

And the little fucker *holds him down* and carries on?! The fucking audacity of it. I also really like this line:
“Dean's eyes roll over to Roman lazily.”
And I just wanna give it a shout out because I can just visualise it so perfectly, there’s something really languorous and elegantly sexy about that line and it kind of gives you a chance to breathe before this whole things starts to get really seriously awesome. I just keep finding myself resting at this line. I like a line you can rest on.

Your Dean is completely breathtaking, by the way. So fucking wicked, so *fearless*, the way he talks and taunts Roman into this, pushes and forces Seth into this. And you really get the feeling that he’ll stop at nothing to get what he wants – just a reaction, just pushing and pushing the entire way until Roman breaks for him, just like Seth’s broken for him.

And by the way, I just love how you temper his cruelty to Seth (and fuck, is he cruel), with such affection – he nudges Seth's damp hair away from his ear with his nose, rubs his chin against Seth's temple and talks, really, with such sweetness that it’s impossible not to side with him in this.

It’s just wonderful to see Roman come to life like this, too. His presence is unmistakeable in this story, and his shadow falls over everything in this chapter and you never forget for one second that he is there. You’ve really captured his patience and his silence and his discreetness, and the way it drives Dean fucking crazy.

I really love the ambiguous signals he sends – “Roman's eyes are blazing now, and Dean doesn't know whether he's going to get punched or kissed. He could get off on either one, really;” (fucking perfection). And he’s so dominant in a completely different way from Dean, slow and methodical and deliberate in everything he does.

And you’ve written such a beautiful piece to describe how much Dean and Seth *need* that.
“Seth hadn't realized until now that he's also craving something unmovable to grasp at, something to steady himself, something that won't break apart when he explodes. He craves Roman.”
You really put into words something I’ve been struggling with, this image of Roman as a steady, immovable presence like a backdrop against their turmoil and chaos, you’ve worded it far better than I ever could.

Your sex scenes are beyond sexy. They’re incredible difficult to review because of their distracting nature. My brain really doesn’t want to engage with them critically, so I’m just gonna say that they are perfect, and relentless, and you’ve turned them into seriously fucking great vehicles for exploring character dynamics, I mean you’re really making them *work*, y’know?

There are so many little touches and lines that reveal just a huge amount about the characters – Dean’s reaction to getting topped by Roman is actually one of my favourite things in this story. There’s something really desperate and wretched and fierce about it, like he wants it but can’t fucking bear it, hates it but can’t fucking love it enough. It’s got so much energy to it. And even then he can’t help but push it, slaps Roman, just obsessed with getting under his skin and breaking down those barriers even though it means smashing his own barriers to smithereens in the process.

I could really go through every paragraph of this fic and just point out things that I love. But that’s not really done, is it? I love it as a whole, then, is it done to say that?

I love the pace and the length of it (and you gave us so MUCH, it’s awfully generous, you really shouldn’t have)

And I love the dark mood of it, the secret, closed-in feeling it’s got like it’s all written behind a closed door.

And I love your needy, slutty Seth, your vicious, pushy, desperate Dean and your implacable, steady Roman, and I love how they interact.

YOU’VE just made me write a 754 word review, you motherfucker. I hope you’re bloody happy.
(I might just love you, too.)
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