Reviews for Destiny Won't Let You Give Up
musme chapter 1 . 11/2/2014
I love it very much
Haunt of twilight chapter 1 . 7/24/2014
This was such a good read! I wish we got to read more about the new future.
umbrella0326 chapter 1 . 6/30/2014
My God - what an engrossing, passionate story! I was hooked. It's interesting how we see different facets of Dave's personality through the repeated day.

Loved the use of Johnny Cash, too. Very appropriate.

Well done - loved this!
Iceagesurvivor123 chapter 1 . 10/23/2013
oh my god i'm fucking crying
this fic is fucking perfect jesus christ
your friend beta most amazing person rec'd it to me eep
i'm so in love oh my gosh
you capture dave and his struggle so well

anyway i've been nostaligic for my precious babies all week and this fic was just so perfect and you're the best person ever!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/17/2013
So sweet and depressing at the same time!
maker of fanfiction chapter 1 . 7/8/2013
This story was so so sooooo good! I love your writing style! I love how the story flowed so nicely and kept my interest peaked, good job, and keep up the great work!
RugBern chapter 1 . 6/29/2013
This story was solid pleasure to read. The notification came to my inbox weeks ago, but I only completed reading it today. I know that its structure is patterned on a movie (one which I never saw, but I am familiar with its premise). I have a difficult time digesting even the most highly-recommended Kurtofsky stories at this present time, but when everything comes together well, it's alchemy, and this story works smashingly. This particular story works for me when others fail; suffice to say that it works perhaps due to the characterizations. Other than the speculative/analytical/hypothetical takes on the mythos, Kurtofsky stories rarely hold my interest lately. This has a degree of speculation, but is largely a straightforward, character-driven narrative, angst in its true sense: when the ingredients come together in the right amounts, the result is grin-inducing. Lovely stuff.
Glyndian chapter 1 . 6/17/2013
Great story!
SamandDeansgirl chapter 1 . 6/14/2013
Beautifully written. Loved it. Dave was a joy to read.
Rubylis chapter 1 . 6/13/2013
OMG, this was so amazing! Beautifully, expertly crafted and so, so lovely. *happy sigh* So worth waiting for. Fantastic story, hon, fantastic!
louisestrange chapter 1 . 6/9/2013! Even after my second reading I still don't have sufficient words to describe just how much I love this story.

You went above and beyond my wildest expectations with the prompt. No wonder you found some of it hard to write! Dave was so utterly heartbreakingly - his carefully planned suicide attempts (the fact that he timed it so the Rabbi would find him rather than his Dad), the juxtaposition of his thoughts and his words when first reliving the locker room scene, his attempt to come out, his anger (the frightening, physical manifestation of it) at Kurt...I just wanted to grab this version of Dave and and make him see sense and wrap my arms around him and never let go. Honestly, one of the truest representations of this characters I've ever read.

And then there's Nathan, who *did* make Dave see sense and was such a beautiful, clever addition to this story. I'm really not a person that cries easily while reading, but I absolutely shed more than a few tears during their scene at the end.

Oh, and let's not forget the blisteringly hot porn you managed to squeeze in! Seriously, when I started reading, I thought there was no way you'd manage to fit it into this fic and then, yep, you did, and really well, and totally believably and in context. *Mind blown*

I'll stop gushing now and say a final THANK YOU for giving me such a wonderful gift. I'm honoured to be the recipient of this fic, and thrilled that you brought my prompt so wonderfully to life, but know that however you may have come to write this story, my depth of feeling about it would be the same. Awesome, awesome job!
midlifecrisses chapter 1 . 6/8/2013
"He waits, hopes and it finally happens." I usually stay far far away from "Ground Hog Day" fics - but this one has pulled me in

"In one fluid motion, Kurt swings his legs over the bench, gets up and shimmies out of his pants." Me:Oh Jesus!

"Well, I really am. This is what you call me. My full name is Nathan Hummel-Karofsky but you always call me your angel." oh no - you did not just make me cry!

Loved it!
Bellatokio chapter 1 . 6/6/2013

It's amazing!

i loved it!

fantastic perfect totally sweet and angst and OH My! I dont know what to say anymore!
You are perfect!
PurtFiend chapter 1 . 6/5/2013
Wonderful story. It shows your talent in writing to set up the events so well (eg. his disastrous coming out to his parents the time before) that even Dave's despicable treatment of Kurt is believable. Though we hate what he does, we still feel for him and understand his motivation, desperation and self-hatred. Well done!
melissa.maier.902 chapter 1 . 6/5/2013

That was awesome and amazing and fifty million other wonderful adjectives I don't have room to write! What a wonderfully written and powerful story!

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