Reviews for She's Not His
Brisalad chapter 6 . 8/28/2015
You should really continue, I'm interested to see how this story will go. Great plot and writing skills!
Gold Testament chapter 6 . 6/30/2014
Aww man I so wanted to see Lao and Poppy's reactions to learning that Toph, their daughter who ran off with the Avatar, destroyed the limit all Earth Benders faced for ages, and learned on her own to bend METAL. If that doesn't make Lao proud of his daughter's choice I don't know what will.
Kamon772 chapter 6 . 6/10/2014
Interesting chapter

I like how it started out with Toph’s parents reaction to her having come back. The part where Lao seem to be slipping back into his old way of possibly thinking where he dismisses Aang only to stop after listening to what Toph has to say. Lao might not have liked but at least he actually listened to her this time as oppose to when he just shut her down and refuse to listen after she just taken the whole Earth Rumble crew by herself.

The part with Lao have come to terms at least for now (I do not know how things are going to be going forward) that he did not know his daugther as well as he thought he did. To just be happy for her as the person he see before him now rather then desire the girl that he had know. That this would have happened eventually because she was growing up was done nicely

The brief cut to the Fire Nation was nice break to know what Zuko was doing along with Mai pointing out that he delay meeting if he felt like.

Stopping the flashback at the end to introduce present time Toph into the story at least give me the feeling that the next chapter might be either when Katara starts questioning their relationship or when Aang finds out
Andy Tao Ishida chapter 5 . 3/2/2014
Kamon772 chapter 5 . 2/25/2014
Interesting chapter.

I like how you ended with the moment Toph arriving the moment Poppy asked if Lao has accepted that the that their daughter is helpless
31Bravo chapter 5 . 2/25/2014
Glad to see you are finally back to updating, keep up the good work and can't wait to read more
Guest chapter 5 . 2/25/2014
Wouldn't the guards posted around the estate notice a huge flying animal approach and land on the grounds? Especially if that animal is the Avatar's flying bison? Most of the world think sky bison are extinct and the Avatar has the last one.
Guest chapter 4 . 2/25/2014
I understand Aang's situation. Though he does have Momo but I guess its not the same because he's not from Aang's past unlike Appa. I wonder how a sky bison flies at night without crashing into tall trees. Unless the rider guides it, how can it see in the darkness? Aang and Toph just had this long conversation and Appa flew unguided. What if they crashed into a tall tree?
Guest chapter 3 . 2/25/2014
I wonder if only Aang uses the " yip yip" phrase or if its a secret code word used by all the Air Nomads? That way if a strangers kidnaps a sky bison they'll have real trouble getting to fly them around.
Guest chapter 2 . 2/25/2014
So he took Appa when he fled? I suppose its logical for an Air Nomad to fly to the Air Temples on a sky bison. I'm guessing he brought Momo to have company when he reminisced. But they're not the last survivors of the Air Nomads or their culture. Aang finds a surviving sky bison herd on an island years after the war and a new type of winged lemur too.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/25/2014
Aang certainly wasn't very pleasant towards Toph when Appa was kidnapped by those sand-bending traders in the Si Wong desert. He blamed her and said she allowed them to take him.
TRON0602 chapter 5 . 9/16/2013
I would do it Tom but I am working on my TLK /Avatar crossover. Hope you understand. Why did you not review my story?
TaangFan1319 chapter 5 . 9/15/2013
you HAVE to finish this story! you aren't allowed to give it to anyone else...pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease finish it...or at least get chapter 6
wolf439 chapter 5 . 9/11/2013
noo not writers block. tell it to go away and continue the story :(
TRON0602 chapter 4 . 8/19/2013
Great chapter Tom. Where have you been my friend?
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