Reviews for Five Times Amy and Sheldon Didn't Meet
Nine Bright Shiners chapter 1 . 1/13/2017
I loved it! It was so fun to read about Amy secretly scrutinising Sheldon, and all the thoughts going through her mind - you write her so well.
dranquist chapter 1 . 8/25/2014
Oh, I loved this little vignette! I hope to find the others and read those as well. I absolutely adore theories like this that postulate couples having come close to meeting before they ever actually met! It's such an interesting concept, and to me it speaks volumes about fate and the universe. Call me a romantic, but if two people narrowly missed meeting several times in the past and then finally did meet, it is the universe saying they were meant to be together or better yet, destined to be together! At least that's what I like to believe. At any rate, I love that you captured one of those times here in this little one shot. It's fun that you set it at the gym, too, where Sheldon tried to bond with Kripke while doing the indoor rock climbing. I always loved that episode because of Sheldon passing out. No one can "faint" on television the way Jim Parsons does; he just has that incredible knack of letting his whole body go limp, so that it looks so convincingly realistic! It was so much fun to picture the scene here, and even more fun to imagine Amy witnessing it all. I loved her thoughts in the process, as well, that she was so interested in him up until that point but disgusted with herself as well FOR being interested in the first place! Very fascinating little gem of story! I can't wait to read the others! Really well done! I'm so glad I happened upon it in the list of your other works.
sylvia.przychodzki chapter 1 . 7/12/2013
ah yes, amy begins to get hooked by sheldon. D
AndyRenee chapter 1 . 6/13/2013
I enjoyed the story. Great job.
I didn't feel it seemed like "early Amy" to notice Sheldon in such a way at first.
I loved her not being interested so much in Sheldon anymore because of his falling. That was funny.
Poor Alfred.
Lionne6 chapter 1 . 6/9/2013
You know, I actually liked poor Alfred. He was all wrong for Amy, of course, but he really wasn't so bad. I feel bad he got shouted at in the end, but Amy doesn't belong in that sweaty, brainless place. Yet, I really like that you took the time to give him a real personality and allow him to be more than just some cookie cutter character, it made your whole fic some to life and really live and breathe, which I appreciated.

Of course Amy is drawn to, and connects, to Sheldon almost immediately. Alas that he faints, and it turns Amy off. If only! But then we wouldn't have gotten their flawless meeting in the end.

Thanks for being part of the team, this is a great entry.
moyrani chapter 1 . 6/8/2013
Thanks for this story, Marina! Very well done.
Alfred Hermann? As in Nobel Peace Prize winner Alfred Hermann? Or somebody named after him, obviously. :P
I love that Amy was drawn to that tall, lanky drink of tepid water that was so confident in himself... until he fainted. Aww, the disappointment. Screw him (for now), he was weak! LOL

What's with the clean sock and the phone call from mom that always goes unanswered? ;)
NerdForestGirl chapter 1 . 6/7/2013
Good work. I liked that Amy was bothered by Sheldon passing out. Very funny.
Misophonia chapter 1 . 6/7/2013
My favorite part was the description of Sheldon's mid-air faint. Loved it and loved this.

Lisa chapter 1 . 6/7/2013
This was so well done!
smoguntia chapter 1 . 6/7/2013
Now I'm curious if Amy will remember this little encounter after they finally met or if she erased it from her memory because Sheldon passed out :-)
rockyshadow chapter 1 . 6/6/2013
I love how Amy already notices Sheldon without even meaning to. Her really bad dates continue, but at least she got to observe Sheldon without him knowing it. I'm glad she left this date on her own terms.
Dina C chapter 1 . 6/6/2013
I love imagining that Amy was a silent observer of Sheldon and Kripke that day at the climbing wall. Her interior thoughts and the little digressions, distractions, ruminations are all things that make her so loveable as a character, and it's great to peak into her POV. Clever way to hide the sock! :-) Thanks for sharing.
clevkells chapter 1 . 6/6/2013
There are a few lines in your story that put a big smile on my face. I loved when you said that "She hated having drinks with men from dating websites" because, in the not too distant future from your story, we know that Amy would have a very different opinion about having a drink with a guy she met through a dating website. I laughed out loud when you stated that "There were way too many people going into pointless careers, careers like acting or, even worse, literary jobs." While Amy may not appreciate literary talents, I certainly appreciate yours!

I also really liked that you described Amy's instincts that the tall, lanky man in the rock climbing gym was someone that she felt a strong affinity for even without meeting him.
Musickat18 chapter 1 . 6/6/2013
Very good! I love how Amy was so taken by Sheldon immediately. I lovd how she analyzed every detail she could about him and why he was obviously a good mate cor her. Very funny stuff!
FoxPhile chapter 1 . 6/6/2013
Loved Sheldon's haughty derision comment - such a great shout out to when they do meet. You do both Amy's and Sheldon's voices and character so well here. And this line: "I bet Cooper shares your aversion to chaos and that a date with him would be ten times more interesting." sigh Great chapter!