Reviews for Dear Hatsune Miku: A Letter From A Fan
A fellow wrighte chapter 1 . 3/7/2016
That was so beautiful i was crying about my heart condition but bow i feel better
Kittycatz225 chapter 1 . 1/25/2016
When you said she sang "Last night, Good night." I WAS LISTENING TO IT OMG XDDDD But This is a really sad story... I'm sorry.
Zena Kissinger chapter 1 . 10/20/2015
Wow, that is really sad. This is a true story? I can't believe it! I can't believe They actually let your sister onstage!
Shirai Hisaishi chapter 1 . 6/27/2015
Aww... /3
I want to say that this is treally good but I felt like was some sadist if so, *look Shirai, the sister died and you'll say it's good?*

I appreciate this much
Melissa the kawaii yandere chapter 1 . 6/13/2015
Why you do this to me ?! XO*sob*
Jason Sembrano chapter 1 . 3/28/2015
I appreciate your message to Hatsune Miku, as of now, my messages were useless unlike yours. Although your sister already had interests of the future's first sound, I was so worried at a video about Hatsune Miku's unsuccessful installation. And all I had to say before the video ended was this: "You're welcome, and farewell!" As usual, I wish for her to be safe with Jesus Christ and the Almighty God from harm. If you like this review, please know, that Jason Robles Sembrano, didn't wish to faint if Hatsune Miku wishes to come here to the Philippines to find me, my home - in 23 Scout Fernandez - where I belong; and my life, as a pianist. Hatsune Miku, I wish you could find me, if the government can bring you here. I appreciate your concern about Hatsune Miku, but for me, they would appreciate nothing. Say good luck to all of Hatsune Miku's friends for me!
Jason chapter 1 . 3/28/2015
I agreed to your message for Hatsune Miku, but my messages were only shorter, but a bit longer. Even though you sent a message to the future's first sound, I was worried in a video that she disappeared in her unsuccessful installation. And all I said before the video ended was this: "You're welcome, and farewell!" I would ever wish for her, was to be safe with the Almighty God. What would you think of my review? If I should ever think, that she would arrive here in the Philippines, and find me, I would faint, after my sudden actions...
hatsunemikufan98 chapter 1 . 11/7/2014
this is cute that you took her to a hatsune miku consert rhyme
i am in tears but your little sister? she wanted to go to the consert so it was a nice deed of you oh and im sorry for your loss :(
Hatsune Miku fan chapter 1 . 8/28/2014
(my gmail reply there)
Hello i liked your fanfiction. Was some part of it based on real life? Also can you make a second chapter, the first was sad but good. Here is an idea for it, the creators of hatsune with hatsune herself are reading the letter and are touched by the fact this was a letter by that girls sibling (sorry i didnt know what gender that person was who wrote it) and they set an interview with the person who wrote it and make a vocaloid that looks like her sister. Then they ask everything about her; what shes like, all of her characteristics everything. And so the vocaloid is cloned so there is one for the creators and for the sibling.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/29/2014
CosmoMan chapter 1 . 2/9/2014
OMG...I want to cry...I didn't know someone loved Hatsune Miku to this extent (TT). I pray to Jesus to give strength to the families she left behind. And I give my thanks to all the Mikupa Singapore Backstage Staffs. You all did a very good job giving the child one last dream. and it was a perfect song for her final moment. If Miku has emotion, she would be very happy to have a fan like Her. For the family, please continue to support Miku. Maybe someday you can learn to use VOCALOID program and make a song for your dear sister in Heaven. God Bless You All.
theCookie445 chapter 1 . 1/2/2014
That was so sad... Did this really happen? (It seems possible.) You truly are an amazingly talented writer.
shomarus chapter 1 . 10/15/2013
Oh my god... This is beautifully written as well as sad. You would be perfect at writing drama, or hurt series. I congratulate you. ;3; Now if this was true... I honestly feel bad for you. It must suck to have not one, but two of your family members dead.
Mikuoyaoiworld chapter 1 . 9/9/2013
ohmygodthisissosad DX
Standing Forever Alone chapter 1 . 8/30/2013
O-Oh my... I just... I cried... ;w; Such a beautiful story... *clap clap clap* This is going on my favorites!
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