Reviews for H2O: No Ordinary Love
MBB chapter 27 . 6/23
Interesting alternative evil plot for Charlotte.
But killing her point-blank felt a bit out of touch with both the show in general as well as the overall sappy mood of your own fic.
Was it just because you had written yourself into a corner with her craziness, or did write her that way because you wanted to kill her?
(Also, how can a mermaid /down/? Wouldn't the girls suspect she is just hiding out of shame?)

I like how you have Rikki move her relation at her own high pace, but keep it secret both for her own reasons *and* because she does not want to steal the moment from Cleo.

I guess you really wanted to do the married-with-children ending, and it was a nice scene. But I do think they are a bit young for children, and its too much that both couples do it. (You could have set those chapters a few years in the future.)

Also, I would think that the Emma-of-the show would get another job just to prove her independence to Ash, even if she accepted the proposal. :-P
Guest chapter 3 . 10/30/2016
Thank you for explaining WHY they do the things they do! I've been watching the show and sometimes almost want to scream, "Just TALK! Communicate! Anything!" Especially Cleo. I don't understand why she doesn't just tell Lewis how she feels. But your story makes it make sense. So, thank you for that.

acrylicgeek chapter 27 . 8/3/2016
Beautifully written and paced, one the best H2O five out there.
AmazingGracieGurl chapter 25 . 4/7/2015
I LOVE this! :) :D
prnamber3909 chapter 27 . 10/16/2014
This was a really nice story. I think you did a good job on ending it. Some people just don't know when to stop, while I definitely would have enjoyed more chapters, they most likely would have just been fluffy stuff and a lot of that gets boring quick. You realized you had completed your goal and ended the story at a good spot. I hope you make more fanfics soon! :D
Saizo's Little Lady chapter 27 . 3/14/2014
awwww I love Clewis. those 2 are awesome.
you inspired me to start back on my h20 story Moonstruck Merman. :D
ManaTheWeirdOne chapter 2 . 2/25/2014
Mr McLaren? Oh, you sly dog, you :P Nice reference to the yummy Angus McLaren :D Just finished this story yesterday and I'm re-reading it because this is the best H2O fic I've ever read! (though I've only been reading them for a day but who cares)
ObsessedwReading chapter 27 . 9/11/2013
Great job
BlazingLegend chapter 27 . 9/11/2013
I have say I think you wrote the children very well. Their personalities, speech, everything. And you decided not to pass on the mermaid gene... different, but I like it! I'm a little put out about your decisions on a sequel, but never mind, and I totally get the feeling of not wanting to write something that doesn't inspire you... that's kinda what happened with my first story, so I ended up throwing in all these really bad subplots, and I just got so angry and frustrated I actually took it down... but anyways!

Again, this has been the perfect story. Beginning to end it's been brilliant, and you even made me accept the notion of mermen! And that is no small feat. I'm excited to hear the hatchings of your new story, I'll be sure to read it as soon as it's online!

Well done on a spectacular story like no other... have a happy day! :)

zikki 3 chapter 27 . 9/11/2013
Well, I'm sad its over, but it was such a perfect ending. I love that Zikki call there little girl Guppie and how cute would it be if Zikki baby and Clewis baby got married. So adoreable. I'm pleased Emma and Ash got a happy ending and engagement. I really enjoyed this story, and am looking forward to your other story's. Great Story :)
BlazingLegend chapter 26 . 9/9/2013
This was the most perfect chapter... Indescribably fluffy and cute! It was very well written... like always! I'm ever so sad it's ending (I'll have nothing to gush about...) but it has been a truly tremendous story! This has to be one of my favourite H2O fics out there (if not the best!) and I don't there are much words to describe what a good reading experience it's been... so well done and congratulations on spectacular work!

And if I asked for a sequel, pretty please... would you consider it?
ObsessedwReading chapter 26 . 9/9/2013
Great job on this. :)
Lord of The A.U. FanFiction chapter 26 . 9/9/2013
You can't be done... unless you're writing an sequel to this cute story...
zikki 3 chapter 26 . 9/8/2013
That was so cute, guppie baby war haha. A Clewis baby seems cute, I can just imagine lewis trying to teach it science stuff already. Cute chapter, update soon :)
BlazingLegend chapter 25 . 9/7/2013
Oh, this chapter was so good! I don't think it could have been written any better. All the details were perfect, I could pretty much see it! Really great job, I'm dying to read the next chapter! :)
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