Reviews for Cabin Pressure: The Z Episode
Massive HTTYD Fan chapter 3 . 3/23
Oh, this is briiliant! All of it! And, while I really shouldn't be, I'm very happy that Gordon is dead.
Saskiamq chapter 3 . 4/20/2015
This is an amazing little gem that bring great joy to read. Since the last episode from cabin pressure I have miss this little family. Great Job
Writer's-BlockDP chapter 3 . 8/23/2014
So cute! I seriously want this to be the actual episode now... Can totally picture Arthur's pictures for the tailfin... It'll be just as professional as his foray into web design. Loved it!
Itty Bitty Albatross chapter 3 . 12/11/2013
This is adorable.
miamam chapter 3 . 7/7/2013
this war utterly brilliant! Mostly an angsty drama but funny as well! It was as if I heard them, not read about them! wow, great Z episode :-)
SherlockMalpense chapter 3 . 6/30/2013
So. Many. Feels. Everything about that is perfect.
The characters are captured brilliantly, if you'll pardon the pun, there was just the right amount of sentimentality and number of touching moments and the original humour is just as funny as the references to the series.
Love. It.
Lucy36 chapter 3 . 6/23/2013
""Wow," Arthur says."
"Wow" Lucy echoes. Oooooh, I hope it works !

"Walking past and squinting at the artwork, Douglas wonders how he's going to persuade his boss that pictures of otters and yellow cars aren't quite appropriate for an airline."
*giggles* Oh but it would be so fitting ! And they could have them printed on the trays or on the seat covers or something too. XD

Yay ! All rejoice ! Yay ! :-D
Lucy36 chapter 2 . 6/23/2013
"Martin looks tired – not in a lack-of-sleep way but in a deeper, more painful way. Maybe 'tired' is the wrong word. He looks weary."
What's wrong ? I don't like this...

Oh, Douglas ! What a pickle indeed ! This Zaragoza guy is stupid and mean and must be kicked in the shins.

""I'm throwing it away for my family," Martin says, and swings the punch."
Oh Martin, no ! And yet yes ! It's okay, you can marry the princess and start your own company, with your MJN air family, someday.

"Arthur," she says quietly to her son. "You need to be very brave right now."
I won't spoil it here, but what the heck ?! Is this supposed to be such an angsty story ?! I had saved it up for when I needed a laugh. :-( I should have properly checked the label, it's my fault.
Wait a minute... Does that mean... Oh ! Oh ! Please let it be so ! I'm sorry but he wasn't a very nice man, was he ?

Oh. Bummer. I did say he was not a very nice man. I loved the exchange between Carolyn and Douglas. They do work well as a team, don't they ?

"After three more minutes he begins to smile." :-) Douglas will save the day !
Lucy36 chapter 1 . 6/23/2013
"Douglas continually marvels at the thought of Carolyn still wanting to work with people despite how exasperating she finds the majority of the human race." LOL ! That is so true ! But Arthur can help. He's always so cheerful people won't mind his mum too much.

"As Arthur waves cheerfully at them through the window, Douglas pretends that Carolyn's choked cough isn't hiding a sob. He equally pretends that Arthur's over-enthusiastic dusting is the reason why he's got a tear in his eye." *sniffles* Yeah, and I have allergies.

"And that's the moment – after so many years of never failing him – when Douglas Richardson's luck runs out." Oh ! What will happen ? What a cliffie ! (I'm as excited as Arthur when polar bears are in sight !)

Author's notes : brilliant ! I seldom get such references so thank you for explaining. :-)
toeki chapter 3 . 6/15/2013
wonderful and touching story, which left me with a big grin. thank you for writing it.
smallsteps32 chapter 3 . 6/15/2013
I loved this! I know it probably won't end like this, but I would be happy if it did. I liked how Martin gave Swiss Air a shot and then jacked it all in for MJN, I liked everything coming together nicely for Arthur in a bitter sweet sort of way, it sort of worked in a realistic kind of way.
BritLitChick chapter 3 . 6/15/2013
Oh, very well done. You really have got their voices and interaction styles down. In a word: brilliant.
CatsWhiskers chapter 3 . 6/14/2013
Oh my... this is so clever, and quite adorable, and true to the canon - and the voices are spot on...

I chortled everytime you came up with a 'Z' word.

And your last line is - no other word will do - brilliant.
the-cloud-whisperer chapter 3 . 6/14/2013
Awww, they are quite the most wonderfully hilarious family to ever fly the skies! And I love that you use so many of those recurring lines from previous episodes, really can't decide which is my favorite. Oh yes, the last word is definitely brilliant _
Ashblood chapter 3 . 6/14/2013
Ahh, I want the radio series to end like this :D
AJN does sound rather good and I like Arthur's idea about the uniforms, taking it in turns to be cpatain.
This was a reallly great fic! I'm sad that it's already over!
Thank you for a fun read!
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