Reviews for Tagging Along With Wolvie
a critic chapter 1 . 10/26/2004
not bad, but part of writing a fanfic is adopting the language that those characters have been shown to use, or not use in this case. wolvie would not make use of the word "flaming." especially not as many times as you have him say it. jubilee using it, ok, i can see that. but wolvie would not be using teenager slang. i also don't remember wolvie actually howling like a wolf in any of the comics. i may be wrong about this, but it didn't seem right. growling, yes, lots of growling. but an actual howl, no.

also, there's not a single "hey bub" or "yeah right" in this entire thing. if you're going to use ridiculous words like "flaming," you might as well work in his signature phrases at least once.
a critic chapter 1 . 10/26/2004
not bad, but part of writing a fanfic is adopting the language that those characters have been shown to use, or not use in this case. wolvie would not make use of the word "flaming." especially not as many times as you have him say it. jubilee using it, ok, i can see that. but wolvie would not be using teenager slang. i also don't remember wolvie actually howling like a wolf in any of the comics. i may be wrong about this, but it didn't seem right. growling, yes, lots of growling. but an actual howl, no.

also, there's not a single "hey bub" or "yeah right" in this entire thing. if you're going to use ridiculous words like "flaming," you might as well work in his signature phrases at least once.
Sydella Shields chapter 1 . 6/19/2004
Highly enjoyable. Out of the fics I've read so far this one captured the interchanges between Jubes and Wolvie best (in my opinion). It brought back happy memories of the days when I was really into the X-Men comics. Great job!
Endemic chapter 1 . 5/20/2003
*lol* I read this quite a while ago in the J/L Site and it's entertaining

Really good
Mez chapter 1 . 7/3/2001
Hiya AllyKat. First story I've read that I don't have any criticisms for. Great characterisation, and Jubilee's internal monologues are priceless. Cheers, Mez.
Sidekickwannabe chapter 1 . 2/5/2001
I've never read X men fiction and I love Wolverine and Jubilie. Actually, my first attempt at a fan fiction was a movie script when I was 10. Anyway reading this made me laugh and I really enjoyed it. Please keep up the work! _~
emily chapter 1 . 2/3/2001
Wow! This is one of the best x-men fics I've read. Amazing! Totally loved it! Thanks~
Crystal chu chapter 1 . 1/28/2001
What a great story! Had me laughing! Keep up the good work! :-)
Kali ma1 chapter 1 . 1/8/2001
Hehehehe, great fic. Funny enough to make me chuckle, but not overdone. A top notch effort.
cousin D chapter 1 . 11/23/2000
Loved it! Keep writing.
kitty1 chapter 1 . 11/18/2000
Really neat story. I used to adore the x-men as a kid, and then stuff happened and I forget all about 'em...but after stumbling across your stories, I've made a vow to start collecting again. Thanks;)
Von chapter 1 . 8/17/2000
*Lots of laughter*

This was really good!

It's not often i find good stories with wolverine in them! One thing though.. COWBOY CLOTHES? YUCK!
does it really matter I think not chapter 1 . 8/15/2000
hey I can't get enuff of ur fic's...u kick-ass seriously. Hope u keep going...

they're really, really good. Grats.
Me chapter 1 . 8/8/2000
Nice story. Two thumbs up.
shana chapter 1 . 7/21/2000
I loved it!
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