Reviews for Celestial Congo
angelwingsonline chapter 8 . 6/10
I'm gonna leave this in the hopes that this story isn't abandoned since I do enjoy it and really want it to continue.

I'm going to leave my two cents regarding your author's rant at the starrt and your new practice: I honestly preferred having the English immediately following the Swahili. If you're going to have the Swihili there at all, then regardless of how it looks on the page in this online format (where you can't have the equivalent of footnotes at the bottom of the page but must instead have them at the end of the chapter), it's friendlier to your readers. Having to jump down to the end of the chapter whenever it's there and then try to find my way back to my previous spot (while trying to stop myself from glancing and reading spoilers) honestly got annoying quickly. If you MUST have it at the end, I'd recommend creating a number system - for example, "Asante (1)" with (1) next to the translation below - so readers can at least use the "find" function to jump more easily back and forth. I tried to do so with individual words but several of the ones I tried appeared more than once so it wasn't the most effective. But again, I still don't like this method at all; it completely pulls me from the flow of the story when I have to stop reading all the time to go check translations so I can understand what the characters all do but I don't.

Honestly, my somewhat harsh advice would frankly be to just drop most of the Swahili altogether and just have a signifier (parenthesis, bolded, or italicized letters) for when they're talking in that language. 99% of your readers won't know it anyway and will all but gloss over it. I'll admit that I do. Especially because I can tell that they're not great translations - the interspersed English words are a very big clue that you're using google translate (or something similar) - I'm positive "knocked" isn't Swahili. It's just the program not recognizing what to do with an unknown word so it leaves it untouched, and probably butchering the rest of the sentence since it's lost that key word for context; those programs are HORRIBLE at translating sentences (especially in the more exotic languages) . I know this from experience. So even if you do have reader who does speak Swahili they're probably still struggling to pare out the meaning from mangled grammar (again, I speak from experience).

I understand your thought process behind wanting to use it, but especially now that Neo can more or less understand everything it's frustrating for readers. Before, when he couldn't understand, we were more or less there with him in being confused (though we got a cheat sheet) but now that Neo does understand the language it leaves US as the only ones left out of the loop which is, again, frustrating. The scene with the kids wasn't so bad because we could more or less figure it out due to Neo's in-text clues. But the full sentences earlier on with the two men was just frustrating to try to read through. Neo comments that he can understand what they are saying after a moment of thought and yet we the readers are left totally in the dark to the situation that all the characters involve understand unless we stop reading and jump to the end of chapter notes.
Sun and moon100 chapter 12 . 12/10/2019
Please update when you can
Sun and moon100 chapter 11 . 12/10/2019
He is finally accepted into the village that’s good
Sun and moon100 chapter 10 . 12/10/2019
Uh oh
Krissy chapter 12 . 9/10/2019
Wow... just wow, what a beautiful, unique and refreshing story idea! I really do hope you’ll reclaim your inspiration to continue on with this lovely gem! The way you write, your development and the pace are so well put together that I’d really love to see where you decide to take and end this. Hopefully one day that will come to be. In the meantime, thank you for giving us what you have so far.
haso12123 chapter 1 . 7/10/2019
Honestly I'm sure I've said this before for another story of yours, but please if you need help with inspiration/writing of this beautiful story! Please let me know! I'd love to work with you! This is such a great story! I'm really looking forward to an update if possible! I know this suck to say but please update this story! It's so damn good! It'll be a shame to let go!
KisaraTheDragonCharm chapter 12 . 5/23/2019
Fantastic story! you truly have a way with words, it's sad to see this is no longer updated it's a true gem, hopefully, one day you'll return. :)
Lunacaster chapter 12 . 4/6/2019
Please update i love this story
Avni Devi chapter 1 . 10/4/2018
pl continue this story
LarausLorraine chapter 12 . 7/21/2018
Please please update
Monique chapter 12 . 6/3/2018
I am in love with this story. I read it before and I still love it. Please post the rest of the story I am dieing for it.
Crystal Darkness Mare chapter 12 . 4/22/2018
Emmupapaii chapter 12 . 4/3/2018
I really like this story better than Fragile. Maybe because Fragile has such a dark theme I don't want to read it anymore? Haha. Anyways, I hope by some miracle you happen to come across this story again, that you update please. It may be easy sometime to pretend or assume the flow of the story sometimes but I much prefer the thrill of reading what the author really wanted. And I really like this story very much among others too. Aside from the fact that it's well written, I like the plot too. So yeah, I hope you update this someday. It'll be definitely worth the wait! D
PeanutCAT13 chapter 12 . 3/20/2018
Love this story, hopefully you will continue with it! If so can't wait for the next chapter
Mindmaze chapter 12 . 3/16/2018
So I love this story but I am a little confused with this last chapter. I mean I understand where Yugi is coming from but I thought he could at least be civil. I mean, maybe because he now knows he has a home to go back to means he no longer feels he has to hold his tongue but I couldn't help but feel he was still a bit unjust if only for the fact Atem saved him from the lion. I mean I know Yugi was a hero in the village but Atem didn't know that at the time and he still saved Yugi showing that his attitude didn't just change because of Yugi's heroics. Yugi didn't even thank Yami for saving him or even have the thought pass his mind, does he not remember? If so that would explain it. But if not I was under the impression that saving Yugi would at least allow Atem and him the chance to start from scratch, I guess this took me by surprise. Either way it is interesting to see how the return of Yugi's memories has changed him personality wise and your definitely a talented writer , the quality of this story speaks volumes. So though I'm slightly sad that this story only really contained Puzzleshipping since you didn't quite get the change to develop Atem enough into it to make it Mobium completely am still glad to have this well written gem. My favorite bit is still when Yugi played ball with the kids, ah my heart was filed with fluff, actually that whole chapter was my fave.
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