Reviews for It's Hard to Explain
NightHowler0 chapter 3 . 10/2
Tbh it would be way cooler if it was a motorbike. I can see him spending that much time on a motorbike but not just a regular bike.
ChameleonGiant chapter 19 . 3/18
I had been suspecting there was a possibility that Emma was probably a ghost or something at some point in the story. There were some things surrounding her that weren't really adding up. So sad, I loved her. You wrote her so amazingly :,(.

I really enjoyed reading this! I was buzzing with questions after Jack recovered some of his memory and even before that, so I’m glad this chapter answered a lot of them. Ah geez. This was an amazing story to read, I'm glad I decided to pick it up. Very touching and it was nice reading something different between these characters. The little references here and there made me smile (I almost burst out laughing at the catanese bit between Cami and Hiccup haha). Thank you for writing this beautiful story. It's not perfect, but it's definetly a gem :)
ChameleonGiant chapter 14 . 3/18
Ugh this story I'd so gooooooood. Love it.

I'm enjoying the story so much. I love seeing the interactions between the characters a lot. Getting to see Cami and Hiccup become close is so awsome (I've listened to some of Cressida Cowell's httyd audiobooks so I recognized her). That's gotta be one of my favorite ones. And the relationship between Jack and Emma is also so great. I miss her! I can't wait to see her again. Obviously seeing Hiccup and Jack hang out reads amazingly, as well as when they're with Astrid, Fishlegs, and Tooth at any time or point in the story.

Some of these plots are very simple and I've seen a lot of them before. But you make them come alive and it's amazing. This is for sure my favorite crossover between these two franchises right now.

I was actually going to read this until the end before I reviewed (I still will), but I just wanted to point something out that confused me in this story. Jack doesn't seem to understand Hiccup's mom is dead even tho Hiccup told him? When they were doing dishes. It took me about a minute to assume it's probably because Jack doesn't have a grasp on the concept or definition of the word "died" yet. But I think that wasn't very clear in the story. I only barely remembered it's probably connected to Jack's memory loss. And I'm not sure if that was the intention you were trying to communicate in this chapter so I thought I'd just put that out there in case your still looking after this story!

Still amazing!
ChameleonGiant chapter 5 . 3/17
Ok, I've been dying to read a story about this crossover that isn't a rotbtd thing or a pairing between the two main boys. So I'm really glad I found a spectacular fic about just these guys becoming friends. I honestly wasn't expecting to read so much about bikes when I started haha. It's like, really weird, since I know virtually nothing about them but also fun and brand new. I genuinly love the writing. I love how unique the tone feels for the story you've constructed. The switch off between the two is cool and their situations have just been overall really interesting to read. I've also sometimes been reluctant to read modern AUs when the canon stories take place in a more historical based timeline but this is just too good. Very glad I remembered the name of this story after scrolling past it before. The summary just really stuck with me. Intruiged me. I've enjoyed all the little references and roles you've given the characters so far. I forget how fun it can be to find the "eastereggs" in modernized au settings. Very excited to read the rest!
HamClad chapter 11 . 8/20/2019
And Jack meets the rest of the Alt. Guardians...
NightshadeLG chapter 19 . 7/25/2017
NightshadeLG chapter 14 . 7/25/2017
Yay. Jack's real name.
AngelaLove072101 chapter 13 . 1/7/2017
I like Cami :D And how Tooth is so understanding towards Jack, and Astrid and Hiccup's relationship C: Gold.
AngelaLove072101 chapter 19 . 1/5/2016
Awesome story, love! ( You totally read/reread that in a British accent, didn't ya, mate :D I sense another accent ) Is there going to be a sequeal? 'Cause I would definitely read it! CX Keep up the great work!
AngelaLove072101 chapter 16 . 1/5/2016
Oh crud, this just got dark! So, someone. . . murdered sweet little Emma? Did he just imagine her, then? Whaaaa. . . ? Oh my g-WHAT!? What the crow?! What?! Stupid Pitch! If the hit to the head didng cause it, what did?
AngelaLove072101 chapter 9 . 1/3/2016
Woo hoo! Rainbow Snowcone bomb! Loved it! Cx Keep up the great work!
AngelaLove072101 chapter 8 . 1/3/2016
Okay, first off I have to REALLY apologize for not commenting earlier, I was so hooked up I just had to keep going Cx So, sorry about that. . . Your story is really good, though, and so far it seems like it has my two favorite ships, so I'm like dying right now! xD Hiccstrid and Rainbow Snowcone/Frostbite/Jooth- or whatever you want to call it- is life! I love it so freaking much! Cx Keep up the great work! Your writing is amazing!
J.K.Holmes chapter 19 . 11/22/2015
TheOperaticSquirrel chapter 19 . 8/15/2015
I don't think I've ever spent this much time reading one story, especially not on this site. Usually if I take more than two days to read it it's a mandatory book that I had no interest in to start with, but not this. From the very first chapter I was completely and totally enthralled. Throughout this whole story I found myself laughing and crying all at the same time. Every time I read this it made me inexplicably happy. It was the perfect thing to make me smile on a bad day. I was so afraid of getting to the end, of having nothing left to read, that I really slowed down and dragged it out. I stopped reading all together for a couple months when I saw I had reached the final chapter. I have never come across a story that could impact the reader in such a way. It made me smile. Thank you so much for sharing.
dragon congelado chapter 19 . 5/4/2015
This was a really well written story. I enjoyed it (even without any hijack), I like how it was about closure. In the end everyone got closure, and I can see that you took the time to plan thus story out and write for us.
Keep up the good work!
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