Reviews for The Name Game
SpyAgent001 chapter 1 . 10/13/2013
AAAHHHH. I loved it! Ah, the name thing was great. And the ending was so cute.
The Tort Professor's comment was great.

sleep is good-books are better chapter 1 . 7/16/2013
So cute! As I said, Will and Alicia in love is my favourite :) I really like how you write them together, very sweet and just so right.
G.D.Pastrie chapter 1 . 6/21/2013
haha this really is the Name Game! :D I really enjoyed reading this, like soooo much lol! There are so many amazing parts worth quoting in this story but you know, since it's easier, I'm just gonna say that EVERYTHING was perfect :D

"Ms. Cavanaugh, Mr. Gardner, that's enough. You two are a study in contradictions. Good thing you'll have your marital bed to solve most of those."

LOL, loved this! Your writing really provides me so much happiness and my daily dose of laughter.
OrphanAccount1014 chapter 1 . 6/19/2013
Oh, I glad I read this AFTER I wrote. Holy...well, happy birthday to Sabrina indeed. Excellent present, I say! Branching out was a good choice. I mean, seriously good choice. You know they're not my couple but I'll read whatever you're willing to share and daaaaamn, girl.

I sound so mature right now but you really can't expect me to be after losing a few IQ points with this one. As I read. Wow. Hot. Incredibly so. You know I don't have the same courage as you when it comes to writing...and even less when it comes to naughty stuff. I love seeing my friends do them anyway...oh, wait, does that sound pervy? Yikes. I need to stop before I embarrass myself even further.

Yet another territory conquered, my dear. Flawlessly done so. As always.

P.S. I LOVE the perfect mention of Diane's continued presence in his life. Purr-fect.
guategal chapter 1 . 6/16/2013
Perhaps I'm so "flummoxed" after reading this emotionally beautiful tale. (But I need a moment to find the dictionary...) No, no..oh, no...(but thanks for the new- to-me word)...I'm ecstatically warmed and contented that you plotted and verbalized this event form with the emanation of atmosphere existing in the A/W relationship ...truly an ever so special writing in behalf of an ever so special essence in A/W's loving relationship. You have me simply feeling a peace and fullness element for these characters' relationship which has been birthed and growing mostly in rawness and stress. God willing the story developers and the actors themselves can walk in such a kind of beauty which you here created. I'm bowing to your profound and mindful talents fair tucked away in a huge caring heart. Thank you whispers now sent in echoes.
StrawberrySab chapter 1 . 6/16/2013
"Imagine my surprise when this morning I woke up with a very pleasurable weight on my chest. I thought you hated sleeping like that."
"I thought I did too."
"So you're saying that my chest is the exception? I get it, it's a great chest, broad, with a flat abdomen to boot."
She smacked him before answering.
"I'm saying that last night I was so tired that I fell asleep as soon as I hit the bed."
He kissed her then, leisurely and slowly guided her to her side of the bed.
"I don't think so, because see, when you come from the door, your pillow is much closer than my chest so what happened was that you, tired as hell, actively chose to cuddle before falling asleep."
So cute!
The wedding was coming up and people around the firm were starting to call her Mrs. Gardner.

"Ah, you want to call it Cavanaughs & Associates"? It sounds better than the name we have now, granted, but I'm not sure about Will Cavanaugh. I kind of got used to Will Gardner."

"She said "Of course not. She won't take his name. She will do like me, keep her name and her man on his toes so that he can dance at her tune all life long." Very supportive, Grandma Rose, right?"
Grandma Rose rules!

And the M rated part... skipping it? Are you kidding? lol Where is the fun in skipping M rated parts?

"Ms. Cavanaugh, Mr. Gardner, that's enough. You two are a study in contradictions. Good thing you'll have your marital bed to solve most of those."
This was too funny!

And the end ! Perfection!
marysunshine81 chapter 1 . 6/16/2013
OMG cuteness overload, but in the best way. I love the title and all the conversation about the name and the last line is just awwwww!

But I AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW-ed even more at this part 333 "but he hadn't forgotten the Supreme Court Judge that had been by his side for 15 years. Nor had she forgotten him. They had taken the habit of seeing each other at least once a month. Neither the husband nor the girlfriend were welcome. The topics discussed were rigorously secret. She had never taken it personally. Will & Diane were a mystery she'd rather leave unsolved."

Love all the talk about the past, Grandma Rose 3 and the law school memories.

THIS! 3 "Ms. Cavanaugh, Mr. Gardner, that's enough. You two are a study in contradictions. Good thing you'll have your marital bed to solve most of those." :DDD

And congrats on your first M rated scene, so well written, just like everything you write. You know I'm a FAN 3
Steffili chapter 1 . 6/16/2013
you know, when I read your other story I was like DAMN she writes well, I wonder how she does smut... :D :D And I have not been disapointed. :D :D

"The wedding was coming up and people around the firm were starting to call her Mrs. Gardner." - ok this made me squeal. Like OOHHHH EM GEEEEEE! :D

Will Cavanaugh? Sounds good to meeee haha! But yeah I guess it's best if they both just keep their own names.

This story was SO LONG but I didn't mind at all. Loved every line of it! So freaking awsome! 3
LadyJosephine24 chapter 1 . 6/16/2013
Fuck fuck fuck i have no idea what you are doing to me... but i am an emotional and hot and bothered mess right now. glad Sab allowed you to share her bday gift :D it was frekay awesome. I loved loved loved it so much. her waking up on his chest was too cute for words. and the whole talk about the name was sweet and funny, i laughed so much over his grandmother... the sex well i should avoid comment on that ehre as my comments would be x-rented too;-) plus you already know what i think from mails ;-)
the end was freaky the most adoreable thing ever. damn i loved it i loved the comment about the past. will you please at some point write a flashback fic to of that scene with the professor telling the that, from both points of view?
really this was freaky epic! loved it so damn much!