Reviews for The Catalyst
Estel chapter 1 . 3/30/2003
I liked this a lot. Actually, the Time Card has a male form (either that or it's a female with a beard). The idea of Meiling being a Clow Card, pretty cool.
xiiao chapter 1 . 3/18/2003
Woah. That was great. I forgot how I fgound this fiction, but hey it was great. It seemed to Meiling, actually. The whole idea is very creative, I think.. Well, from what I've read, that is. Anyway, I just have one tid bit.. I heard someone that "Meili" (Mei Li) is like cantonese for "beauty" or something.
shinrai chapter 1 . 10/15/2002
i kind of saw that perspective before since we are talking about chinese clans (sort-of like feudal lords), and it struck me that maybe meilin didn't really want syaoran. she simply needed him. it's just that, well...meilin is human. and she has emotions. clamp must have placed into consideration the fact that in this generation, emotions rule lives more than honor does. but your fic did present something notably true and plausible. [kudos!] and about meilin's name. you sure did your homework. mandarin is just one of the many dialects in china and in other dialects, 'lin' wouldn't mean the same. it got me confused too because one book referred to meilin as something...odd. and it wouldn't suit anyone for a name.-
PrismChick chapter 1 . 9/1/2002
Hey, I really liked your story! It made me see the world through Meilin's eyes... Even though it was just a fic, I think I have more respect for her now. Great job!
MapleCharisma chapter 1 . 9/1/2002
Wow! Cool! Uhhh..neat! *speechless*
Kay D. Chan chapter 1 . 9/1/2002
Spelling and grammar wise I see perfection. And I liked the 1stPerson POV. It let me see things through her eyes and I got into how Meilin felt. Plus I really like this explaination and I like how it actually has a PLOT. Instead of other POVs you have beginning, middle, and the wonderful closing. It all makes...sense. Bravo

Kalyani chapter 1 . 8/31/2002
WOW! That was... was... WOW! That was really powerful! I can't even describe how good that story was! You know a lot of the background, and it's very original and well done. Very emotional! I'm adding this to my favorite stories list!
Flameraven chapter 1 . 8/30/2002
I rather liked it, never really thought of it that way, although there are a few things that I think you might have gotten wrong.

one is that all clow cards were female. Firey is male I think and you can't tell me that Time isn't, Dash might be as well but he is like an odd looking rabbit/fox thingy so how can ya tell?

Also, now I have no idea and you may be right, but I thought that Yelen (Syaoran's mother) was the mother of all four of his sisters and himself.
Kamika Farinas chapter 1 . 8/30/2002
Wow! I completely love this story! It's amazing. . . . Poor Meiling though. . . *sniffles* I'm going to go add this to my favorite stories list! _

~Kamika Farinas~

PS. I have a Meiling site and I was wondering if I could post this up?
Innocent Sake chapter 1 . 8/30/2002
I never thought of Melin that way, about why she wanted to be with Syaoran. It's very original in my perspective since I have never read any other fic like this one before. There were things I liked and didn't like about this fic. The things I did like was the originality of it and the twist of the Elders telling Meiling she was a clow card *BIG TWIST hehe* What I didn't like about this fic was that you kept putting in Author's notes during the fic explaining things that in my mind didn't need to be explained, it broke the flow of the story and frankly lowered the greatness of it all. But All in all it was a very beautifully written, well thought out original Meilin angst fic. So I congratulate you and hope that you will keep on writing and also maybe take my advice. Also if you like to read angst fics I have 2 Sakura Angst fics that are lovely _~ So thats all I got to say so GOOD JOB!
