Reviews for Climb
Guest chapter 1 . 4/9/2019
A unique fanfic. Well-written and moving.
alive by grace chapter 1 . 1/29/2016
I'm surprised this doesn't have more favorites or reviews, it's really an excellent little story. I like how you tell of the difficulties of executing Jolif's plan, and Jolif's letter is fantastic. "You can't kill an idea, no matter how hard you try." Awesome.
Thanks for sharing!
ChocolateTeapot chapter 1 . 6/20/2013
This is a great story! It's a really interesting idea and very well executed. I like that you also mentioned the difficulties of setting it up, it added a lot of realism. The scene between the clerk and the emperor was pretty funny and a stark contrast to the emperor's reaction to actually reading the message.

The third last paragraph was my favourite part.
Princess Unikitty chapter 1 . 6/19/2013
anyone who knows of the protomen is an awesome person- ergo, this is an awesome fanfic. great job!