Reviews for The Thing That Should Not Be
Blake-Slytherin chapter 25 . 10/28/2018
I just spent the last several hours binge reading thus story and I loved it! Is there still a Sequal in place? I would love to see Tony learn and experience hunting!
PurpleNightwing chapter 11 . 6/12/2017
Will god return
ngregory763 chapter 25 . 10/27/2016
Love this one! Keeping and eye out for a sequel, cuz you promised.
teabrows chapter 25 . 2/13/2016
Hahahaha! Nice ending. A bit cliche with the chick flick moment. Regardless, nice work though. I liked it. A lot. I'd say this deserves a thousand favorites, which will include mine.

I express immense grattitude to the author of this story, moosesquirrelkittenandking. Without you, I would be extremely bored and would have nothing better to do even if finals are next week. May someone up there bless you with more ideas and, ahem, inspiration to write more enticing and glamorous tales.

To summarize what I've said above, thank you moosesquirrelkittenandking, or whatever your real name is. Thanks for the awesome story.
teabrows chapter 23 . 2/13/2016
Author, you've captured the characters impressively. Reading this was just like watching a crossover between these two shows. I had no problem imagining the scenes in my head because you just wrote everything perfectly. There are typos here but, when you get into it, you tend to not notice. Almost finished it. Oh and, Tony is fucking crazy.
reader50 chapter 25 . 12/7/2015
I just finished reading your story. I enjoyed it. It had a good premise, action, angst and whumpage. I was able to imagine your story in my head, the characters were that good. You are a good writer and I thank you for sharing your story.
Ann chapter 2 . 6/4/2015
Cool, so Zhivago and Gibbs don't mind the Winchesters consulting on this case. I'm sure DiNozzo and McGee will be confused.
And now it looks like a demon is nearby. Wonder how this will go down.
MattKennedy chapter 25 . 2/23/2015
Great story. A bit of an open ending, but I think it fits well. :)
hurtmushroom chapter 25 . 10/7/2014
Just finished this story and it was also very good! I used to watch NCIS, but stopped somewhere in season 5 or 6... I don't even remember. ;-) Anyways, it was great how you kind of merged the two shows - Gibbs's history with John and Dean, also Abby knowing Dean and so on. Loved it! I really hope there will be a sequel some day, it absolutely begs for one. Tony as hunter in training? Will he be the new Probie and get "harassed" by Cas? ;-) It was also very interesting seeing Dean and Sam from the POV of an outsider like Tony. And although I prefer Dean-centric fics, it was great. Thanks for writing such a wonderful piece!
Guest chapter 25 . 6/9/2014
Wow! I love both NCIS and SPN - even though I've kinda stopped watching both shows. Your fic makes me want to re-watch the shows. You got everything pitch perfect in my eyes - its completely Canon. Down to the issues Tony and Gibbs might have had over Jenny, Castiel's voice... just brilliant.
MDDC26 chapter 25 . 5/2/2014
Brilliant. Well thought out, and incredibly in character. Can't wait for the sequel!
ofmooseandmen chapter 25 . 4/16/2014
I like that Dean's first and last lines of the story were him singing the song that the fic was based off of
lofh chapter 25 . 4/16/2014
You definitely need to make with the sequel as soon as possible
klu chapter 25 . 4/15/2014
That was the perfect ending to this story. I liked Tony's determination and thoughts that he's the 'wild card'. Probably something that Chuck would say about him, as he writes DiNozzo into the Winchester Gospel too.

Thanks for writing.
ladymusixluva chapter 25 . 4/15/2014
love this. I cannot wait to you continue and for mcgee to find out what gibbs did.
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