Reviews for Adrift
CureCaligraphy chapter 48 . 7/30
fandom-lover-angel chapter 1 . 6/24
I haven't read this in literal years, and I was just reading a BNHA Time Travel fic on AO3 when I thought of this fic and decided to reread it! I love all of the fics that center around this episode and the consequences with it.
Neph Moreau chapter 48 . 6/24/2018
I’ve read this several times, and it’s one of my few true go-to fics in this fandom. Granted, there are parts I struggle withthe depths of Rose’s self-loathing early in are difficult to stomach, because it seems particularly out of character for her. But...the rest? I love Maggie, both the human and the multidimensional being that borrows her name, I love Rose’s relationship with both of them, I ADORE how Martha and Donna come to join her, and how wonderful their relationships are. I love Jenny, and River, and Jackespecially Jack. But then I have always loved Jack. And The Master. Good lord, what you did with him? Brilliant. Perfect. Amazing.

I was doing a series rewatch and yesterday was the Toclafane episodes and I just had a sudden urge to reread this, and since I did, I thought I’d shout and tell you how fond of this I am. Thanks for sharing!
RitzChan chapter 48 . 6/17/2018
this fanfic was epic !
Pikanet128 chapter 48 . 4/19/2018
That was beautiful
I’m at a loss for words
I couldn’t put it down
One of the best I ever read
It was, Fantastic.
jeannie kaulitz chapter 1 . 7/20/2017
Absolutely fantastic! I cried I laughed I felt everything! Just. Fantastic. See, that's why I love rose with the Doctor. She's just so brilliant in herself. I love how she was practically sisters with Donna and Martha and how she made the master feel human. Thank you for creating this such wonderful, absolutely fantastic story.
jeannie kaulitz chapter 21 . 7/18/2017
Damn the TARDIS can sure keep a grudge even with the Doctor
Oartoegrafohbeeah chapter 6 . 7/16/2017
Apparently Rose took some lessons from Bella Swan.
Otstu chapter 48 . 4/14/2017
Guest chapter 42 . 1/7/2017
I wished you'd changed it up a bit. I can't imagine that Rose would end up in the exact same places as the Doctor did on the show or that everything would've played out so similarly. Honestly, I'm skimming over so much of this because it's rather redundant to read. Interesting concept, but you can't just rewrite the show with a god-like Rose in place of the doctor.
Guest chapter 36 . 1/7/2017
Earth's diameter is under 8,000 miles, so " give or take a few thousand miles in diameter" is pretty significant. Ambitious story, though creating a new planet and race seems a bit far farfetched.
LightningWriter12 chapter 48 . 10/21/2016
I just want to convey that this story is so important to me. Not only is the writing amazing, but the characterization of Rose is beautiful. I really feel like I understand her and that rarely happens in fan fiction. I just wanted to congratulate you on creating such an amazing story.
arans chapter 18 . 8/9/2016
im ridiculously excited to see the doctors reaction when he finds out how pear-shaped everythings gone since he left
Screenhunter chapter 48 . 4/21/2016
Just... What an epic story! Def one of my favorites! Like I said, you're one on the best TenxRose writers out here! This is amazing!
bluebird397 chapter 48 . 2/3/2016
Finally! Oh this is really fantastic! I need more great ones like this!
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