Reviews for Dragon's Fire
thedeadlydragoness chapter 24 . 1/26/2015
I really loved this chapter! Please write more soon!
Malinda chapter 24 . 1/18/2015
Please please please write the sequel! This is the only Eragon fanfic I've read where I feel like the quality and story can compare to the originals! I love Peri and Datia, and I really really want to read the sequel!
HelpIAmStuckInNarnia chapter 24 . 1/19/2015
Please update soon! I can't wait to see what happens next!
methamadeus chapter 1 . 1/18/2015
Aaaaah, I really enjoyed this story. I wish the description of how the two factions of riders came to be was less 'this happened this happened and this too.' Show not tell and all that. Otherwise, good characters, decent dialogue, very good dragons, and good development pace.

Looking forward to more!
Anon chapter 23 . 1/13/2015
Poor Datia. Those types of nightmares must be terrifying. And poor Peri, having so much running to deal with...

YAY, THEY'VE ALMOST FOUND NICK! Anyway, if you do decide to write a sequel, I'll be stalking you over to it. Just saying. Great chapter!
Anon chapter 22 . 1/6/2015
I like learning about Peri, but that was downright depressing. I guess it was necessary, though...

I can't wait to read the next part of the story! :D
Guest chapter 11 . 11/26/2014
Anon chapter 21 . 11/24/2014

Yeah, not really. Well, whatever. It will still be better than all of the camping in the seventh Harry Potter. :P

Great chapter. I can just envision how pissed off the dragons were. :D
Anon chapter 20 . 9/12/2014
Of course it was DARETHHHHH-
Peri needs to learn how to reign in her temper. If Esteba wasn't a bit faster, Peri would have skewered her on account of a false accusation. Well, at least Hadin's back. I missed him. o
Here's hoping they grab Nick soon. Good chapter!
Anon chapter 19 . 8/17/2014
I had a feeling something like this was going to happen, yet it still came as a shock. Poor Peri. Nothing seems to go right for her. Argh, now they have to get back out with no Nick! D:
LadyEllesmere chapter 19 . 8/19/2014
Why do u hate yourself?
Anon chapter 18 . 8/15/2014
I AM SO PUMPED ABOUT THE NEXT CHAPTER! Oh, gosh, I hope Nick's okay, though. :c

And whoop whoop, go Esteba and Vagero! :D
Anon chapter 17 . 8/14/2014
Aw, sorry to hear about your foot!

Poor Peri. If I had been stuck with that old wench, I probably would have Hulk-smashed some walls. Well, she must have a lot more patience than me. Anyway, it's a good intermission, and I'm glad to know more about Peri's past. Great chapter!
Anon chapter 16 . 8/13/2014
Agh, no! I hate cliffhangers! D: Well, great chapter anyway. I really like seeing how Peri's progressed so far; she won against Hadin, even if it was by cheating! :P
Anon chapter 15 . 8/12/2014
I sort of panicked when I saw that chapter 16 was gone, but lo and behold, IMPROVEMENTS! :D
Anyway, I hate Lydia with the burning passion of one thousand fiery suns. *grumbles* Great job, as usual! But PLEASE DON'T TAKE MONTHS TO WRITE A NEW CHAPTER!
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