Reviews for Nervosa
fowlgirl19 chapter 25 . 10/21/2018
This was adorable! I binged through and I love how she gets kinda involved but not terribly immersed in the adventure. She has her own shit to worry about! Can't wait to read the sequel
fowlgirl19 chapter 9 . 10/21/2018
As a nurse and long time lover of YYH, I really appreciate the actual real medical condition that Shiori has, not just "unknown incurable illness"
xanaldy chapter 25 . 3/18/2017
To start of, I was really impressed with how you wrote your OC and wove her into Yu Yu Hakusho's storyline. Her role wasn't obnoxious. She was relatable and likeable. The way you described her actions brought her to life. The development of the subtle romance between Kurama and Aiko was written well. It was realistic. You manage to capture Kurama's personality, despite the anime/Manga never giving information of how he would be/how he would react if he were to be involved romantically with someone. This was a wonderful story! You're a talented writer!
GrisailleDreams chapter 7 . 12/2/2015
I don't want to sound like a broken record, so I'll just leave it at this: Another great chapter! It's a lot of fun, I love that Aiko's merging into the main plot more fully, now.
GrisailleDreams chapter 6 . 12/2/2015
That's... exactly what I'd do to Yusuke if I were in Aiko's position. I think that's what anyone would do. That would be hilarious to watch.

Poor Aiko, though, and Minoru, of course. Is it weird that I'm not surprised she started screaming and throwing a fit? One person can't be bottling that much and NOT have a meltdown.
GrisailleDreams chapter 5 . 12/2/2015
That last line was absolutely perfect. It's so true. My SO just moved into a new apartment and we're not sure how, but I always manage to use up the hot water in 15 minutes while he can go 30 without a problem.

I really loved that little story about Aiko's parents and the song lyrics. No, it doesn't make me like her father any more, but it's still adorable. If you've ever watched the movie Kamikaze Girls, you'll know what I'm talking about when I say that I had an image of Mr. Hojo in my head as Momoko's father, back when he was still part of the Yakuza.

I enjoy the names you're giving to the bands. While the upcoming "Pearl Jelly" has my heart, I appreciate "The Meatles" just as much.

In other news, poor Kurama. I just want to hug him. D: At least there isn't any suspense surrounding how this turns out.
GrisailleDreams chapter 4 . 12/1/2015
A lot happened in this chapter, but the part I wanted to touch upon the most was Aiko's moment of "Fuck no, I'm getting out of this burning building." This has been me many times over the last few years, though in the middle of particularly bad waves of depression rather than fire. The scene just captured that perfectly. It's so tempting to stay where you are and just give up on getting out, and it's very easy, too.

I love, love, LOVE the way you write Shiori. This story gets me so attached to her, it's ridiculous. Watching the anime, it's easy to make her a throwaway background character. Not here, though!
GrisailleDreams chapter 3 . 11/28/2015
I wonder how Kurama feels about being parented? He's far older than his human mother, after all.

Another good chapter! It's great to see Aiko and Kurama actually interacting with each other. The end part of this chapter is more menacing, now that I know what happens later. But Minoru is so adorable. It's like he's there to soften the blow.
GrisailleDreams chapter 2 . 11/28/2015
The way you write from the canon characters' POVs is fantastic. I like that Kurama isn't being portrayed as the typical "sensitive gentleman" (that trap's too easy to fall into), and whoever doesn't like Shiori is just wrong. I also really liked that little bit about Aiko's grandfather; definitely the ghost of an old man.
GrisailleDreams chapter 1 . 11/28/2015
I've already read through this story (and Lithium) once, but I had to come back, reread it, and leave comments/reviews.

Knowing what I already know about Aiko, I have to say that the way you've created your OCs is probably my favorite part about this story. One in particular hits home with me, but I'll get to that one when they pop up later ;) Anyway, Aiko seems like she was a lot of fun to write during Nervosa. Sassy characters are the best! And I adore her inner monologues, especially the ones that revolve around her eating disorder. It definitely strikes a chord with me, and probably with others who have similar issues with food.
SuperNova90 chapter 17 . 6/22/2015
Okay, so I'm wondering about the Dark Tournament, is Aiko going to go? Or are you going to cut that out completely and just have them coming back after? I guess I will have to read to find out.

And ugh, this stuff Natsume. Idk why Aiko is being such a brat about it. Just punch her in the face and get it over with. Screw her. I get she's worried about the Reikai but I don't see them really doing anything. I think Natsume is full of shit. I don't like her, can you tell? LOL.

Another good chapter, though I don't like the shit that's going on with this Natsume bitch. I hope it will be resolved soon.
SuperNova90 chapter 16 . 6/15/2015
I knew I didn't like those little bitches Aiko was hanging around for a reason! Ugh! I just wanted to punch her in the face! And now Aiko is going to push Kurama away for his own protection, jfc, makes me mad! He can take care of himself, I bet he's going to be pissed when he does find out what happened. Like that little wench would even stand a chance. Aiko, come on now, Kurama's smarter than that!

And it takes some serious balls to make yourself just throw up that way in front of someone, especially the guy she likes, like damn.

Another great chapter! And I busted a gut when Aiko called Hiei a shrimp dick, omfg, too funny.
SuperNova90 chapter 15 . 6/12/2015
So first thing, the band names XD haha. Love them, it's perfect. Totally what they would have been called in the show if they had shown more than just Megallica. I especially liked Tin Zeppelin. I also really liked how Aiko was calling Kurama all those different flower names, I was sorely disappointed when she settled on calling him Ku because I got a real laugh out all the other ones.

And the end, I honestly had no idea she was going to confess like that. You just slipped that right in there like it was nothing. And now she's going to act like it never happened, omg. But I can't blame her. To like/love someone like Kurama would be super hard. He's so old and wise and smart. You know she's feeling you and stupid and meek in comparison.

So I'm still waiting for Hiei's entrance into all this (because he's my fav and I'm a total loser) and I wanna see how those two interact...cause I see it going either one of two ways. 1. She thinks he's a pos and has no problem showing it. Or 2. she's scared shitless of him.

Great chapter, I really enjoyed it! Sorry it is taking me so long to read this, I just have so much stuff going on but I want to get to Lithium so bad!
Inchiki chapter 25 . 5/15/2015


Inchiki chapter 24 . 5/15/2015
Okay. there it is. There it fucking is you bitch now I hate everything I wrote- you and your god damn quiet poetry and shit. Seriously though, there is something just so delicately human and personal and fantastic about this story, every time I read it it plays out in my head like one of those indie films.

You fucking cunt.
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