Reviews for The Question That Started it all
Starry Night chapter 2 . 12/12/2013
OMG! *unstoppable nosebleed* I just love the way how you make Takuma teased our poor Senri-chan as Senri-chan is just wayyyyyyyyy too cute beyond words *squeals* I see that his dandere personality just can't stand a chance against a possessive yandere like Takuma. *mufufufu* It's such a wonderful sight to see Senri-chan in denial and I wonder what's going to happen next as well as if Takuma still has something more up his sleeve. I can hardly wait for your next chapter. Pretty, please update soon! :D
F.K chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
Will you please please please with a chocolate coated strawberry on top continue writing this, I love this story.
Theawsomereview chapter 1 . 7/13/2013
Please continue I love love love your story!
:) theawesomereview
Starry Night chapter 1 . 6/27/2013
Even though the characters are a bit OOC, the lemon is surely very HOT! *nosebleeding and drooling uncontrollably* Beside from KaZe, I just absolutely LOVE TaSe! They're just perfect for each other. I seriously can't get enough of perv Takuma and flustered Senri. XD Please continue, there're not much of TaSe stories and they deserve more love! Plus, I would love to read more! :D