Reviews for What You Say vs What You Mean
loveandmisery333 chapter 9 . 3/27/2016
LostAmongstTheStars chapter 5 . 1/30/2015
This fic was recommended to me and I honestly don't know what to think of it. The mistakes were numerous, but I can look past that, although 'thru' instead of 'through' made me cringe quite dramatically. The plot, sadly, put me off a little. Spencer telling Derek all that? Why on earth would he practically call himself a potential cheater where Ethan's involved? Ethan's a person, hardly temptation, it's not dilaudid he's avoiding and if he can't trust himself to keep his hands to himself, then he shouldn't be in a relationship. Poor Spencer, that rape was particularly nasty. Ethan was a hell of a creep, wasn't he and OMG Spencer, I don't care if you did set yourself up for that accusation, I'd be marching out a fudge off to Derek! I don't know. I like it, but I don't like it. Kind of two minds about it.
Brinohms chapter 7 . 4/22/2014
Okay, I have tried to be patient about the errors, but these are inexcusable. Since, not sense. Definitely, NOT defiantly. Use a dictionary.
RoseLaurel chapter 1 . 9/12/2013
How have I not read this already? Well, regardless, I have discovered this series now and am eagerly reading on!
Snowbeardolphin chapter 9 . 8/6/2013
I can' wait to read the sequel to this. You did a great job writing the first part.

silverwrym chapter 9 . 8/5/2013
I loved your story! Excellent job! I look forward to the many sequels that you promised!
Sandylee007 chapter 9 . 8/5/2013
So the first part is over, huh? (Almost typed 'worst part' on accident but somehow I have a feeling that it's not quite true...) Gosh, it feels like just yesterday I ran into this fic!
It was so good to see our boys interact like that, no matter how short lived the peace and quiet is. The storm is by no means over so the breather was much needed.
I seriously cannot wait for the sequel! I'm extremely eager to read it as soon as it comes out.
Thank you for this excellent piece!
Sandylee007 chapter 8 . 8/4/2013
With that load of feels, I can totally understand your need for ending the chapter! (winces and hugs)
Those poor things, especially Spencer of course, have it so very rough right now. (sighs) I'm almost dreading what's up ahead of them. Yet, I'm eagerly waiting for more. Does that make a mashochist out of me...? (chuckles)
Keep up the good work!
20000 WPM chapter 8 . 8/1/2013
That was a brutally honest look at the psychological trauma that comes in the aftermath of a rape. Hard to read but appropriate for where you are in the story. I am glad that he allowed Derek to help him but fear it will not be for long.
Sandylee007 chapter 7 . 7/31/2013
(whimpers) Poor, poor Spencer! This is a total nightmare for him. And on top of it all he's got all the issues with Derek to sort out. (sighs) (See? Totally back to first name basis now.) (grins)
I really, truly hope that there'll be a hint of sunshine soon for those two!
This story is amazing! I can't wait to get my hands on the next chapter. (beams)
20000 WPM chapter 7 . 7/28/2013
This chapter was intense and so sad. I cannot believe those rape statistics. I can certainly understand Spencer's inner struggle with whether it was worth it or not. After all those statistics, I am worried that Spencer will not have a happy outcome to this. I hope that he will, but if he does, he will be one of the few with justice served. I hope he will not continue to push Morgan away. I know he is hurt over how Morgan reacted and the things he said, but he needs him. They need each other.
silverwrym chapter 7 . 7/28/2013
Good chapter, can't wait to see where it goes from here.
Sandylee007 chapter 6 . 7/27/2013
I'm really sorry that it took me a bit to type a review! Life swallowed me up completely. (winces)
Oh Reid, you strong little thing... (sighs) I really hope that those two will start to move on from this nightmare soon - and that their relationship survives through all this! The healing is going to take a long time.
And keep in mind that I still want Ethan's head. What I'll do with it... I haven't decided yet. (growls)
Fantastic chapter!
I'm eagerly looking forward to more.
AuntSara chapter 5 . 7/21/2013
Ohhhh, good story! It says incomplete in the summary...does that mean that you are not going to finish this story? Please, please finish.
Sandylee007 chapter 5 . 7/15/2013
You can't even imagine how happy I was to discover that you'd posted a new chapter! (beams) And I seriously wasn't disappointed, if anything you made this WAY beyond anything I'd dared to hope for.
Poor Spencer! (winces) That's a major trauma he's been through. Raped by someone he thought was a friend...! With his trust issues that's bound to hurt deeply. And on top of all that there's the physical injury that needs to mend. (winces)
BUT, there's a beam of light! Derek messed up, big time (yes, we're back to first name basis). But he did get his act together. (grins) This won't be easy on him, either. That relatively short bout of mistrust in the absolutely worst moment is going to haunt their relationship for a while. Not to mention that with his past it won't be easy for him to help Spencer through... this. (I seriously don't have a word for something like this!)
This is going to be a very long, very tough ride. I just hope that they'll be strong enough to take it together. (sighs, and hugs Spencer - and Derek, too, a bit)
Is there any possibility that I could have Ethan's head on a stick...? I'm sure I'd find some... interesting use for it...
Thank you, so very much, for this amazing chapter! I'm eagerly looking forward to more despite this dark and sad theme.
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