Reviews for Love Letter
Guest chapter 1 . 12/28/2016
O SHIT WADDUP BOI i wish i could see rose's reaction. please?
Enderkiller77 chapter 1 . 7/2/2014
There's only one word to describe this masterpiece, perfect.
AnimeRomantic4Ever chapter 1 . 7/21/2013
Oh my. That was beautiful. I was captivated by it. Good work!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/16/2013
This seems to me like something that kanaya would actualy write, despite the rambling i felt like the letter was very poetic, especially the "i do not find your beauty flawless but i do find your flaws beautiful" that ligne pretty much made my heart melt! Loved it! Hope to see a sequel in which rose reads the letter...
tuxjim chapter 1 . 7/7/2013
I must apologize to initial interest in this story was because I had never heard of this particular comic before, and I wanted to see if I could get a sense of it from your story.

I have to you have your Word program set to give any and all words initial caps? Personally, I found it very tiring to the eyes and I actually stopped reading about 4 or 5 graphs into the story...and I also found the rambling made the situation worse because sometimes the coherence that I feel a story needs in order to flow properly was completely lacking. And one last question, If Kanaya loves Rose so profoundly (not knowing the comic, I don't know if the pairing is male/female, female/female or even male/male...but that really doesn't matter) - why didn't Kanaya say, "I love you" to rose at the end, rather than saying "Truly yours"? I was married for 29-1/2 years before my wife died, and I never scrupled to say it to her as many times as I could each day.

I'm not flaming, nor am I trying to...I just can't get through the story, and I can't "favorite" or "follow" it for that one reason. What I DID read wasn't bad, although the rambling did tend to confuse the emotional content a bit...but it just wasn't good enough to hold my interest.

I'll check and see if you have written any other stories, and then check them out, Please be assured that if I like what I read well enough, your other stories will merit "favorite" status on my list, and if enough of them (2 or more) make it there, you will be on my favorite authors list.

Ja ne for now.

Juniper chapter 1 . 7/5/2013
Oh my gosh... That was so beautiful... I applaud you.
TailsDoll13 chapter 1 . 7/5/2013
To That Strange Little Indentation In Your Midsection I Have Glimpsed On All Too Rare Occasions.

My reaction: ...SHOULD I EVEN WANT TO KNOW...
Deranged Shadow Fangirl
mttmercado chapter 1 . 7/5/2013
oh damn that was something. that was really something. i read this and halfway through i was, praying we get to see roses reaction, or something, but this letter by itself, is so informative and descriptive of the troll writing it. i loved it. so very much