Reviews for That Pivotal Moment
The13thBlackKitten chapter 4 . 11/7/2018
where are you from that you haven't been in a Starbucks before?
Neko-fire demon tempest chapter 6 . 11/1/2017
DowntownChronicles chapter 6 . 3/17/2014
Oh god, loved every second of it! Great work!
Pline84 chapter 6 . 1/15/2014
I loved it! It is awesome, thank you very much!
MentToBeForever chapter 6 . 8/14/2013
CorrectedByLazyAntics chapter 6 . 8/5/2013
I have to say bravo epilogue please lol. It was truly wonderful and I just found myself grinning thru most of the story CX
buckyybarnes chapter 6 . 8/4/2013
oh my god

this just
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newaddress1997 chapter 6 . 8/4/2013
I enjoyed this :) I like the way you depicted the pack mentality and your Isaac was absolutely precious.
SitDog-Boy chapter 1 . 7/30/2013
Pixies... Trying to imagine pixies in Teen Wolf... and all I can do is laugh. XD Thanks for the fun chapter! My only question is, how did they end up in a dental clinic? In any case, this is a fun read, and I'll be sure to keep reviewing!
evilkoalaforce chapter 6 . 7/29/2013
This was SO CUTE! Again, great chapter. I really like your story! I want more! :)
Guest chapter 6 . 7/28/2013
Finally! I love this entire little series you had going. Every chapter was really entertaining.
squiddd chapter 6 . 7/28/2013
THAT'S THE CUTEST THING I'VE EVER READ. EVER. EVER. EVERRRR. "puppy" i can dieeeeeee this was beautifully written but more importantly it made me go all "shfjhfjdashlfs" so yeah. omg great story.
janie17 chapter 6 . 7/28/2013
I absolutely loved this! Your writing style is completely amusing and lovely.
aikakone chapter 6 . 7/28/2013
I read the first 5 chapters yesterday, and by luck the 6th one was posted today. I have some thoughts in general to this work more than specific chapter by chapter. I'm sorry about that. Usually I try to review every single chapter since I know I love receiving detailed pieces of positive attention for my fics.

You are SO obviously not American. If you are, you must have gotten used to writing things in other fandoms, such as Harry Potter. I get an English vibe from you, but you could equally well be Australian or from NZ. This creates a bit of a problem in the narration. Thankfully, it didn't wreck any of your dialogue. Because the Britishisms (I'm guessing... forgive me if I'm wrong) pop up in narration, some say they could be forgiven. I understand that point, but it still takes me right out of the story. An American (as this setting is and these characters are) would never use terms like "whinge" or "fairy lights." So it's rather jarring.

In chapter 4... or 5, one of the two, you had some consistent problems with shifting time in your narration. One sentence would be past tense. The next would be the continuous present as you've done in other sections. This isn't hard to fix, but you do need to be aware of it. A beta reader would help in all things. If you don't have one, I'm sure an enthusiastic reader would help. If you do have a beta reader, that part of writing technique is not a strong point.

Now to the stuff I enjoyed. I dug Boyd and Erica as a randy couple. It fit them and who they might have been had season 3 gone differently. I also really loved puppy, cuddly and absolutely adorable Isaac. It liked that he wanted to cuddle with Stiles. I also appreciated the shift in the story to Derek's season 3 loft. It's probably safer from pixies. Lastly, your Lydia was a win.

I hope you don't mind my comments. I wouldn't have offered the critique part of things if there wasn't something good there worth making better. :)
jojof chapter 6 . 7/28/2013
Loved it!
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