Reviews for You Who I Called Brother
Kohl chapter 7 . 11/5/2013
The more I think about, the more I am just SO HAPPY that Conrad spoke up for Olivia. Because it is just so true that she didn't know who to trust. And how could she? This isn't the world she grew up in. That world is looong gone. And the world now is full of things that she and so many others didn't even KNOW existed as anything other than words on paper.

I mean, wow, one day you're working at the post office, living next to a childless elderly couple and the next you're bartering for gasoline and there's a centaur living down the street. You've dealt with cultural differences before, but never anything like this. Two people from separate countries will have their differences, sure, but how do you even react when you're not dealing with a human, but with a being with blue-and-orange morality and a lifespan so long you can't even wrap your mind around it? Like wow you went to college but it sure as hell didn't cover THAT.

(Obviously trying to sacrifice Conrad wasn't a... nice thing to do, but I can understand the logic behind why Liv felt there was no other choice. She didn't, still doesn't, have all the knowledge that Hanna and Co. does. She's living in a world whose rules she no longer understands, and she's just trying to look out for her own.
Also: humans, not perfect, etc., etc.)

UM so yeah I really loved this epilogue. Also Olivia. Excellent character and I think you two did a wonderful job as usual. c:
FattySkeleton chapter 7 . 11/5/2013
. . . mother fucker.
That was one hell of a kick in the teeth,
shit, i think i like it better when those fuckers run around and it's not all personal and stuff
Kohl chapter 6 . 11/2/2013
WELL starting with an apology certainly made me terrified to read on, and also guaranteed that there was no way in hell I was moving until I had read every last word.

Who needs happiness when you can have emotional turmoil? It hurts but it's wonderful and I love it so very much.

Hanna's perspective was absolutely perfect.
MurderousBunnies chapter 6 . 11/2/2013
First off, I thank you for once again giving us a lovely update. I'll be honest; I kept checking on Halloween hoping to see one, and I believe what happened allows me to say I totally called it. Knew she was after Conrad and I had a creeping feeling the Horseman was gonna come back. Nice that it was a year later, er, for us. Which brings me to my next point that I can't believe it's already been a year. Again, and I'm sure this gets old for you, but I can't really explain how much enjoyment I get from your universe and continuing writing. Lovely chapter, once again!
Tobi Is My Name chapter 5 . 9/26/2013
Oh dear, poor Connie, left alone with Cas and Fin . . . like he doesn't already have an inferiority complex and a million other complexes! Oh well, great chappy, I missed Cas and Fin, they're just such polar opposites that they work beautifully, ironically, much like Worth and Connie. I see a pattern!
TenayaPyweack chapter 5 . 9/25/2013
I suspect it would do no justice to dissect chapter 5 in order to tell you all the things that I love about it. Please simply know that I was thrilled to read this! 3!
Kohl chapter 5 . 9/23/2013
This is everything I never knew I needed.

I hope Vaysh feels better. Being sick? Not fun. At all.
LoliPear the WaltzQueen chapter 5 . 9/23/2013
Oh ,goodness. I missed these two dofusses. When's Toni stopping by. where's Vesser, anyway? Out cooking up crawfish and curing curses? Everybody knew you two were an item before anything ever actually happened.
Guest chapter 5 . 9/23/2013

FattySkeleton chapter 5 . 9/23/2013
. . . oh god, can you have him meet another vampire?! like, a snooty one? And what are his titles anyway?
But really i want them to have to go to a vampire party and for some reason they have to be nice for at least half of the evening, so Worth Dregs up his old manners that had to be forced upon him, and Conrad just becomes the British Boy he was raised to be.
But then they get what they want and Worth, just sorta transforms into the asshole he is, Conrad becomes the badass he has evolved into and somebody dies.
But I really just want a well groomed Worth.
But can they meet another Vampire? Like an entirely new character just so we can see how the people who don't know these guys think they're like?
But wow, that was funny as hell, and Conrad's just like
"The world know's I'm gay."
Oh, and also. Are you going to touch in on what's happening in other continents? Like America's sorta back on it's feet, but how would someplace that doesn't have a Hanna deal?
cranberrieraven chapter 4 . 9/18/2013
Your stories always make me have feelings, and the way you write Hanna and Zombie's interaction is beautiful. I'm so glad you're writing this series.
Meep chapter 4 . 8/28/2013
Something from the Narrator's perspective? Could it really be? *small dance of joy*

That was really pretty. :)
ankellysaurus chapter 4 . 8/27/2013
That was awesome! I was so confused at the point of view at first until I realized that it was the Zombie! So great, and so sad! I was really really worried that it wouldn't work and that they made the sacrifices for nothing but thankfully that wasn't a thing, that would have broken my heart. I love that we got more of Hannah and Zombie, because this series is mostly focused on Worth and Conrad (which is totally awesome and the best) and it's great to get more of these two once in a while even if it is really sad. Reading from the Zombie's point of view is so interesting, very thoughtful, taking note of all the different things, I love it and you did it beautifully. I especially liked when he left the tent and forgot what he was going to do because it reminds you about his weird brain shit. Oh and when he was super sassy at Olivia, that was awesome too. I am so excited to read more about her by the way. And finally . . . was that a Gurren Lagann reference? Believe in the me that believes in you?
MadameMiz chapter 4 . 8/26/2013
Hi, hello, I just wanted you to know that I just read all of You Who I Called Brother in one sitting and I kind of feel like crying now, especially over that last chapter. I hope you're proud of yourself. (For real though, I'm kind of sniffling here and I'm not even completely sure why. That's a good thing, though; keep up the lovely work! 3)
Kohl chapter 4 . 8/25/2013
Oh my god that was utterly perfect.
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