Reviews for Save You
Cecily Mitchell chapter 16 . 10/25/2019
Well, this is a very powerful very angsty story that hooked me in and wouldn’t let me go. It’s also really cool to see how your writing has evolved. Awesome
Coolfire30 chapter 16 . 12/19/2016
Awww...well i hope one day you will want to continue this story, because you have such unique a handwriting style and great ideas. Anyways on to the review...
In my perspective I truly do feel like you have out done yourself with this story, not only have you made the characters personalities in depth (if that is the right context) and the gradual character development was nice to see as well. Although it might be best to polish up on your grammar or take up on a BETA reader of you're lazy (hehehe :P) , and make the A/N's clearer perhaps with bold letters and use a line to indicate where the A/N stops, but I see that you have done this in later chapters but it is quite confusing at the start. Adding on I can't help but notice how it was hard to tell who was speaking or in who's perspective (I guess) it was along the story, I would suggest indicating who's POV it is based upon( unless I missed something). Nevertheless your story was quite intriguing and if I dare say so myself touched me(I cried whilst reading...) You seem to have an aptitude for this style of writing and I hope you upload some more of your drabbles ;P PEACE OUT (HEH, I don't really know if this makes sense
black neko hime chapter 16 . 10/20/2016
I found your Wattpad account in order to continue reading this story, but I didn't see it posted...

Even though Kukai as a jerk brother hurts me, this story fascinates me. Like, it's making me think about my relationships with my own siblings and our psychology. This story is really well written and wherever you decide to post the next chapter, I would be happy to read it.
Unknown chapter 16 . 7/5/2016
Ikuto is so sweet in this story can u please continue it
His bunny girl chapter 16 . 6/29/2016
May I read the wattpad version please?
queen-in-shining-armour chapter 16 . 5/6/2016
Gosh it seems like forever since I've read this story... Not because you don't update, but because I procrastinate in everything, including reading fanfiction. So I re-read the whole thing so that I could this chapter. It made for a nice morning in bed...
aaaaahhhh angst! XD hopefully Amu will find Ami and be able to explain. Those two are so close it would be a shame if Kukai messed things up.
Ikuto is a sweetheart. :3 go Amu, you can kick ass! please do continue dear author :)
sme1228 chapter 15 . 2/26/2016
love it hope you update soon like i really love this story keep up the good work
Thermidor606 chapter 15 . 2/15/2016
You've written a beautifully emotional story. Your story managed to dredge up memories of my middle school experiences which weren't very good, and that only makes me able to relate to your story even more on some topics. Nicely done.
Megan132 chapter 4 . 2/12/2016
i have a panic disorder like amu but its a huge fear of people
Guest chapter 15 . 12/8/2015
Is it over?! Noooooo! *The feels* I'm crying! The writing is good too, but sometimes I can get lost. Here's a tip, spread out your information. Overall good job.
His bunny girl chapter 15 . 11/30/2015
Guest chapter 5 . 11/28/2015
OWO i love your writing. soo good. Stay beautiful 3
AliceKat chapter 15 . 11/26/2015
Wow you were fast. Thanks for the notice!
I'm in tears, goodness gracious. So much emotion.
AliceKat chapter 14 . 11/25/2015
I read to before the talk before I finally decided that I needed to backtrack. And I did. Back to chapter 9. What a ride.
I think I'm going to cry.
I forgot to breathe.
This was amazing and literally took my breath away.
A Simple Minded Geek chapter 14 . 11/25/2015
Hi there.

So I've been reading your work since your third chapter, perhaps?

I never really reviewed as I was always reading from my phone and on the run with my own life. However, I just wanted to take the moment and let you know how much you've grown. Not just as a writer, but I can tell through your author notes and more as a person.

You still make a few grammatical errors that can easily be skimmed over by a regular reader. This is good! You won't bother as many people who "can't stand the error and now I can't read it!" kind of bull.

I don't know much about your life, but I can tell you put your heart into the writing. That's my favorite things with authors. Being able to connect with your character so well that you end up writing more like the character (In first person this is essential!) than just trying to act like them.

Being honest, I did have my problems with Amu being ooc. Then you think of all the stuff she is going through and you realize... This is probably how Hinamori Amu would act. Ikuto would probably act the way he does if he wasn't caged by Easter and still had his father. Tadase is out of character, but maybe there's a story to him we don't know? Same with Saaya.

I hope you continue to update and not ditch us like before. D: (Hypocrite considering I did the exact same thing with my readers...)


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