Reviews for After War
Guest chapter 17 . 8/2/2015
To be honest i dont really like the chapter 17, because im a huge naruhima family, so reading this just breaks my heart, but its very interesting, non the less
Guest chapter 12 . 8/2/2015
Dude, your work is really good, i spent like a whole night reading it carefully, line by line. I hope your internship is aimed at being a writer, cause you are very good. Love the story you've writen. But why not try to find a wider audience, i mean, i just happened to stumble across this and i'm loving every bit of it.
LoveHate chapter 18 . 8/8/2014
Good chapter
Guest chapter 18 . 7/16/2014
Drunk Naruto was funny. It was a nice reunion for them. I can't wait to see what Naruto's reaction will be when he is sober. Will he eventually remember everything? I really hope so!
moonlightclock chapter 18 . 7/12/2014
looking forward to next what i wonder how narutos going to react in the morning when he wakes up lol looking forward to it please update new chapter soon
Guest chapter 1 . 7/9/2014
you're suckish
Guest chapter 14 . 7/8/2014
Great story so far
Guest chapter 17 . 6/14/2014
I think it's pretty cool that in the end, it was Sasuke who found Naruto and not the other way around. That was really unexpected! I like everything about this story so far except Hinata's pregnancy. I really don't know why a kid needs to be involved in this particular story at all. Other than that, I like how much Sasuke has mellowed. I like that he and Naruto are both pretty sure they like each other but aren't totally sure about it yet. It's been 6 years after all. I like that Sasuke is enjoying his freedom away from Konoha even though he misses Naruto. I think it's a good enough reason for him to have stayed away for as long as he has. I'm also not sure what's going to happen, if Naruto is going to convince him to come back, or if he even should go back. Is there a way for them to be together without Sasuke having to move back? Looking forward to the next chapter!
Guest chapter 15 . 6/14/2014
I don't really like the fact that Hinata is pregnant. I thought the breakup between Hinata and Naruto was too abrupt, but it happened in chapter 2, and Hinata hasn't been heard from since walking out on Naruto and calling him a bastard in chapter 3. It's chapter 15 now. After all this time, I don't care about her anymore and don't want her back in the story. I also liked the way she left. It was a really strong way for her to go out and was actually surprising of Hinata. If it had been Sakura, I wouldn't have been surprised, but I was surprised by Hinata. I wanted the story to leave it at that. Now she's acting like a psycho just because she's pregnant. Hinata looks incredibly weak again, which is really too bad, in my opinion. Tsunade told her Naruto would be back in a week, so why did she have to become hysterical and go running off after Naruto as though she'd never see him again, and as though Naruto isn't the MOST POWERFUL NINJA IN THE WORLD?

And now all this crazy stuff is happening with a pregnant Hinata and search teams and Naruto and Sasuke haven't even met yet! I'm sure you're thinking hat Hinata being pregnant would be a complication preventing Naruto and Sasuke from getting together too quickly, but the story has introduced the complication before its two main characters have even seen one another...
Guest chapter 11 . 6/14/2014
I've been enjoying these chapters with Naruto and Sasuke traveling around. It's giving us a chance to get to know Sasuke and see how he's changed in the 6 years he's been gone. I like that the fic is establishing him as a character FIRST before he meets up with Naruto and the romance happens. I think if you did it the other way and didn't introduce Sasuke until Naruto found him, we wouldn't know how to read him as a character. Like if he met Naruto and then Naruto was all "Sasuke I love you, come back with me!" and Sasuke was all "I love you too, let's go!" it wouldn't make a lot of sense. This way we can already see that he's a little bit lonely, has mellowed out, would like to find a home, and still thinks of Naruto. The question is, does he love Naruto the way Naruto loves him, or will he only realize it after he and Naruto have met?
Guest chapter 3 . 6/14/2014
The end of NaruHina was a little abrupt. I hate the pairing and didn't want a lot of it in the fic, but they went from having obvious tension between them (which was good) to Hinata accusing Naruto of changing over the last few months and then walking out on him. It's hard to imagine the change because the fic didn't show us very much of it. I think showing a little bit more of their tension, more than just the one argument we saw or Naruto pushing her away one time when they tried to have sex, would have better established this as a relationship that had absolutely no chance anymore. I think just one more chapter focusing on their problems, them arguing about things that didn't have to do with Sasuke, would have been enough. It would have truly shown that they don't connect on any level, not just because Sasuke has come back into the picture.
Fushicho92 chapter 17 . 5/28/2014
so darn cute love it when Naruto yell ita XD
nelle13 chapter 17 . 5/25/2014
They're finally together again...not officially but in a way .
darkswordsmen24 chapter 16 . 5/4/2014
the best chapter yet keep up the good work
nelle13 chapter 14 . 3/24/2014
This was a really good good chapter and yes I would like to know what sasuke has been doing
please update soon
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