Reviews for The Enemy of my Enemy
Honey the Queen Bee chapter 1 . 4/11/2019
i loved this whole story beginning to end. my only complaints are that it isn't longer and that Casey gets the girl. But that one is more opinion than anything lol. all your writing is fantastic!
GodzillaFan4555 chapter 10 . 3/20/2018
I was expecting you to have Karai to make an actual appearance in this whole fanfiction, but oh well by the way it was pretty impressive that you had Casey be AJ It makes sense though that Casey’s Mom died and had a little sis like in the series
JCK320 chapter 1 . 4/30/2017
This has to be my favorite tmnt story. I have been waiting for a tmnt Pacific Rim crossover and I got what I wanted. There are so many parts I love in this story, it would be hard to say them all. I would have to say my top favorite chapters were 8 and 9. Your writing is amazing. I could feel their pain, emotion and what it felt like to be in a Jeager through your words. Keep up the good work.
Brenda Geraci chapter 9 . 7/30/2016
You continue to amaze...

Netbug009 chapter 9 . 4/25/2016
"wanted to be a in April's life" is there a word missing here? That aside, I've been screaming internally at this fic all day. Mikey and Leo ghost drifting, Casey Ashley being revealed to be Casey. April and Donnie crushing my heart into tiny pieces... I'm not sure where to begin saying how much I enjoyed this and how many ideas for PR AUstralia this gave me for other fandoms.
rusticangelic chapter 10 . 11/14/2015
Seriously astounded by this story. One of my favourite TMNT stories by far and that's saying something. Currently three for three reading your stories and loving them all. You are an awesome writer.
Guest chapter 9 . 10/4/2015
*cheers wildly*
I'd been thinking, this whole time, that if they needed three pairs they need Raph and Casey. But Casey wasn't there, AJ was. And I was thinking that AJ reminded me of Casey especially in how he got along with Raph and even the others. I could not remember for the life of me what Casey's name is beyond "Casey Jones" because when I watched he almost never was called anything but Casey and occasionally Jones when someone was pissed. And AJ /is/ Casey. A Casey who didn't meet the TMNT before the Kaiju hit, and so wasn't there to back them up and ended up in jail on his own. So now I'm very very happy and I have a neat mental label for how the timelines go together- the Kaiju and all them came into things before they met Casey but after bonding with April and Angel.
All the awesome.
EmilyGrace18 chapter 9 . 9/22/2015
Wow. I can't believe I am just now finding this story. I absolutely loved it. It is easily one of my top five favorite TMNT fics I have ever read!

You have a gift of descriptive writing that is simply amazing. I feel like your writing reaches out and grabs me and pulls me into the story until I am watching everything with my own two eyes instead of reading about it. It is a very rare author that has the talent to do that, so bravo. The story line is simply amazing and fits in so well. It is not a one dimensional storyline, either, but has layers and subplots (such as the Human's First, and the backstory behind why Leo and Raph don't drift together). I was so enthralled I read the whole thing in one day and then was grieved that it ended.

But what makes this story simply amazing is your characterization of each of the turtles and their "family" and the way you write their interactions. I found myself much like A.J., yearning for that kind of closeness. Even the chapters that didn't have much in the way of action kept me hooked just by the complexity and beauty of the characters interactions. I can't say it enough. I thought this story was amazing!

And bravo with the whole AJ turning into Casey thing. Throughout the story I kept thinking the character seemed a lot like Casey, and then wham...the big reveal in the last chapter. That was awesome!

I loved how you depicted each and every one of them. Mikey was absolutely hilarious and so true to character (there is so much more to that turtle than meets the eye). Leo was impressive and admirable (as usual), the kind of big brother everyone wishes they had. Raph was perfect...his protectiveness over his family mixed with the rough & tough attitude we all know and love. And Donnie, the resident genius without which everyone else is lost. Even April was so well done that I felt drawn to her character in a way that I never have been before. Bravo.

My absolute favorite part was when the unnamed man came to see them and Leo and Mikey ghost drifted enough that Shell Shocker responded. That scene literally gave me goose bumps.
I can't say it enough...fabulous story. I can't wait to read more and am SO, SO, SO, glad that you are giving us more. You will definitely be hearing more from me! Thanks for sharing this wonderful story!
WhoAmI659 chapter 10 . 4/26/2015
So many feels for this story, my heart just exploded. Your writing is immensely incredible and mind blowing. The characteristics, dialogue, development and relationships were portrayed and handled beautifully. Couldn't ask for a better story.
moogsthewriter chapter 9 . 4/25/2015

This is what this story does to me EVERY FREAKING TIME (AND HOW have I not reviewed before I keep expecting it to say I've already reviewed once and it never does SHAME ON ME). But seriously, EVERYTHING about this is perfect down to the naming process for Goongala and the ending of them all just hanging out and being family and I just. BLEH. HEARTEYES ALL OVER. 3
moogsthewriter chapter 8 . 4/25/2015
Oh, man, my HEART. These boys, I just... Everything you've written is just so vivid and is totally feasible in my brain. Because yeah, for all that they save the world time and again, most of the people they save are just going to fear them and want to tear them apart to study them... my heart. These boys. (You are so awesome at writing, I'm in serious respect of the mad skillz, yo)
moogsthewriter chapter 7 . 4/25/2015
Man I had forgotten just how POWERFUL this chapter was! My heart is still racing! Seriously, your writing is always amazing, but this is really just sucking me right in all over again.
moogsthewriter chapter 5 . 4/25/2015
And this chapter, too - so much love! GIPSYGIPSYGIPSY. And I'm always always ALWAYS a fan of serious!Mikey, especially when it's stuff he knows that his brothers try to protect him from anyway. 3
moogsthewriter chapter 3 . 4/25/2015
Okay, I just have to pause and say that the action in this moment is SO MUCH MORE INTENSE having just rewatched Pacific Rim, and it's amazing and I love all of this so much. 3 Okay back to the reread. :p
triacylglycerol chapter 9 . 11/23/2014
You are one exceptional writer. I really mean it. Your stories are all AWESOME, and esp for this kind of crossover, I wonder if there's any producers out there actually read this and make a 2-3 hours OVA, that would be TOO awesome. Or at the very least, graphic novel. This story is just very deserved it.
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