Reviews for You Will Always be Loved
kiara.knox.12 chapter 1 . 10/16/2014
i loved it it was awsome!
lytebrytehybrid88 chapter 4 . 10/16/2014
Aww Seth loves them. Jake and wmbry are having a pup how will the pack react?
hopelessromantic5 chapter 3 . 2/6/2014
In the first chapter I didn’t realize it’s a three way imprint, very cool my friend. Also forgot to thank you for the shout out. I feel like this is two stories in one that run parallel to each other. The Collin/Brady/Seth one and the Jacob/ Embry one. Both of them lovely and sweet. Keep the chapters coming, I really want to know what happens next.
hopelessromantic5 chapter 2 . 2/6/2014
You’re mean! The dream was hot; I hope it will happen for real very soon ;) I love Embry and Jake as a couple, they complement each other nicely. Now they’re going to be daddies!
hopelessromantic5 chapter 1 . 2/6/2014
I have to say I love my possessive wolves. It’s interesting how their dynamic changed, friends-brothers- pack brothers-? (don’t know what to call this after the kissing)-co-mates. Seth is my favorite wolf and seeing his heartache and sadness is hard. You have serious guts for trying a threesome. I’m looking forward to reading more of this.
FarFromReality03 chapter 2 . 12/29/2013
Great update. I do have a question though. Is Brady and Collin still interacting as imprints? Could that be the reason Seth seems to face rejection if they don't want to accept a third wheel? It is interesting.

I enjoyed the last bit with Embry and Jacob, could see the pair are in love, and now becoming parents, could they be ready?

Much Love,
AuthorBoi chapter 1 . 11/9/2013
I have read this story a few times. So lets hope this time I can get it on my alert list. But it is great. I see a lot of potential. Your right it is a rare pairing or threesome so it would seem Poly's are so rare. But I'm sure you can pull it off. Hope your technical problems get sorted. :(
But right now off to read your other stories.

Raven's twimom chapter 1 . 7/29/2013
I like it! I really like long fics. I'm currently reading one that is at chapter 108 and still going. You might want to find a Beta or a proofreader. Other than that I think you are doing great. I envy writers cause I suck at it. I have tried. Thanks for writing.
lytebrytehybrid88 chapter 1 . 7/26/2013
Is Seth gonna be able to control his wolf so that he doesn't lose control and hurt them?
FarFromReality03 chapter 1 . 7/17/2013
The pairings are rare, and I have to say that it is a different approach. I do have a few questions though. Brady and Collin consider each other brothers practically, wouldn't it seem kind of strange for them to form that bond, or does Seth's addition to it change that entirely?

I'm guessing that Seth will becoming the possessive type as well.

Much Love,