Reviews for Continuing Heritage
Mysteryfan17 chapter 11 . 11/3/2019
Even though it's not actually true, when Mycroft said neither had seen The Princess Bride I heard one word in my head: INCONCEIVABLE!
Funny, I was at King Richard's Faire a couple weeks ago and in one of the shops a few of the workers were talking and I heard one tell the other that the third had never seen the movie and as I was right there, I looked at them and went 'inconceivable'. The woman looked at me and said 'Thank you! That's what I said and you would think working here, that movie would be a must.' We basically guilt tripped her the same way they did Mycroft into making sure she watched it before the faire resumed next year. Love these shifts so much. ANOTHE... oh wait, it's almost 4am and that's with Daylight Savings... OK, tomorro... or, later today... Good night .
Mysteryfan17 chapter 10 . 11/3/2019
My sides at that last line... HAHAHAHAHA!
Kay Hau chapter 11 . 4/11/2018
I just love little Ian! Such a good kid! And Sherlock being so popular with kids, lol! The last line is awesome, by the way. Great job!
1yellowfish chapter 11 . 5/30/2017
I love it! Especially "The Milk Code," it's brilliant! Also little Ian is wonderful!
MugetsuPipefox chapter 11 . 3/25/2016
You know, the pills and the cabbie scene always bugged me cause I couldn't figure out if Sherlock had gotten it right, but the explanation that they were both poisoned makes waaaaay more sense XD
I loved that John's son's name was Ian - after his father in Mistaken Identities, if I'm not mistaken XD
Well written!
BooksAreMedicine chapter 11 . 11/9/2015
Yes, very true about the Princess Bride, that is exactly what I thought about the pills! Great ending too
BooksAreMedicine chapter 10 . 11/9/2015
John's dad gave great advice...loved the make him pay. Sherlock's reactions were great, very in character. I like how John explains it too. The part about Ian never finding out was very his 80's...memoirs haha
BooksAreMedicine chapter 9 . 11/9/2015
Poor John, that is a rough thing to navigate as a father
BooksAreMedicine chapter 8 . 11/9/2015
Wow, I thought that this part might change, Moriarty should never underestimate an angry dad or uncle!
BooksAreMedicine chapter 7 . 11/9/2015
Poor Ian, I am so glad John stayed with him and that he knows Sherlock is not to blame.
BooksAreMedicine chapter 6 . 11/9/2015
I did see that coming but still a horrible reaction at the end. Poor John, I can already image the guilt. He did have it right that Ian would feel abandoned. I am glad to hear him defend Sherlock
BooksAreMedicine chapter 5 . 11/9/2015
I do feel bad for Mycroft's employees haha
BooksAreMedicine chapter 4 . 11/9/2015
I already adore Sherlock and Ian. John's views show his character much better here
BooksAreMedicine chapter 3 . 11/9/2015
Mrs Hudson was very funny. I love Sherlock's reasoning too and how John realized he needs to be a better father
BooksAreMedicine chapter 2 . 11/9/2015
Good for John, telling Sally off.
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