Reviews for and it's a long way up when you hit the ground
ViktoriaLeStrange chapter 5 . 7/15
Firehedgehog chapter 5 . 5/31/2018
Athena's phoenix chapter 5 . 5/31/2018
Wooohoooo! I'm so thrilled that you updated! I think I found this fic when it had already been a year or two since you added to it, so I wasn't sure that there'd ever be any more.
I reread this from the top, and dang but this story is just as rich, and complicated, and enchanting as ever. Thank you for all the in depth research you do in order to portray all these beautiful cultures. I think that even if it continued just as it is it would be a masterpiece (honestly, if you made this into a straight up non-fanfic novel I'd read the heck out of it), but it'll also be fun to see how you incorporate more of the fandom going forward. Just, everything about this story is gorgeous and gripping. I love this to bits. Thank you.
mmendoza688 chapter 1 . 5/12/2018
I had forgotten this story so I read it from the beginning again. ugh! It is so good! Will Infinity war tie into this? or will you disregard it completely? Either way is fine for me! It's good as an alternate universe of it's own.

I wish I could give this so many kudos!
Guest chapter 5 . 5/12/2018
I don’t know how this doesn’t have a million reviews because it is actually the best thing ever.
M chapter 5 . 5/10/2018
Awesome job with this! I loved it when I first read it, and I'm so glad that you updated! Thank you so much!
digging4more chapter 4 . 2/8/2017
I . This was all to the first taste of cannon and you haven't updated in years. Such research! your writing is lovely and heartwrenching
Green217 chapter 4 . 6/5/2016
It takes a lot for a story to get me to honestly want to rip my hair out as I read it because of feelings, and this- this was one of those.
I had genuine anxiety as I read because I wanted more and there isNT ANY.
I cannot wait for an update, this story took me by surprise and threw me into a wall.
Akila-Delpanther-Draconan chapter 4 . 11/24/2015
WOOOOOWWW WOW JUST WOW I CANT ...(will continue to be speechless until my brain catches up with the awesomeness i have just read, also we are so close now so close, i get the feeling that shit will hit the fan and explode rather soon i cant wait and i really want to know how you are going make the avengers work and the steve/bucky friendship ) ... MOAR? PLEASE?
Drel Murn chapter 4 . 7/25/2015
This is awesome. I kind of think that if they were the only mortal fighting against the Frt Giant that they would have been remembered as gods a well, even though they weren't Asguardians.
Landwerda chapter 1 . 7/6/2015
I think I fell in love with this story as soon as I saw it. History and well-researched fics are a weakness of mine, and this one manages to meld mythology with reality in ways I'd never imagined.

Eve has a depth to her character that I don't think I've ever seen on another Bible story, but this one is a beautiful reflection of the subjugation of women in various portions of the world in the past- including the recent past; some would even claim the present. This is also the only fic I've ever seen with Michael as a fallen angel, much less Lucifer as his lover.

And, of course, Lucifer as an ever-returning human. I don't think I've squealed in glee over a fic as much as I have over yours in months.

So, thank you, so very much, for writing such a wonderful story. I look forward to your next update with bated breath...

Athena's phoenix chapter 4 . 5/17/2015
This story is absolutely gorgeous, both heart wrenching and moving in equal measure. Both the overarching plot and indevidual lives are marvelously crafted and fascinating. It is truly a pleasure to read.
Acae chapter 4 . 12/2/2014
I clicked on this story simply because I was curious- "tony as satan?"- and it became so much more than I was expecting. The amount of research, planning and detail in this story is incredible. This hasn't been updated in a while- and I understand that life makes people busy- but I'd be really happy to see you continue this.
I don't really know how to say this, but your story is kinda amazing.
Have a great day
Guest chapter 4 . 11/20/2014
Well, if you're ever interested in writing a treatise on social/sexual heirarchy throughout the ages... I get the feeling it'd be far better than my English Literature classes. And the long wait between chapters can be forgiven, so long as you stay amazing. Seriously. I could wax poetic about this (not that I'd want to; I'm terrible at poetry) and still be unable to match the wonder that is this.
Guest chapter 3 . 11/20/2014
1) And Warriors still fits. It pleases me.

3) C. I fucking love that part ('scuse the language, if you would). I'm not really sure why I like it so much, but possibly because it's the first time Eve really took part in what was going around her since she ate the Apple - not including when she killed herself in her second life. Or maybe I just enjoy the fact that a bunch of people died. I dunno, I'm not thinking too hard about it.
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