Reviews for Pursuing
Guest chapter 13 . 10/31/2019
Oh, I thought he was dead
Guest chapter 13 . 11/19/2017
OMG! This is the best Black Butler fic that I've read so far. You have clearly stated that there'll be no shipping whatsoever... but oh~ I can't help myself but ship Undertaker and Elli. Ahehe. Well, you know... It's cute. HAHAHAHA. And then here comes Sebby who had just licked Elli\s cheek and I was like... "OMG! More more more!" Lol. hahahaha. I am very much looking forward to the sequel (part3) of this fic. Please update soon. C:
SpiderAppleCider chapter 13 . 9/22/2014
Yay Darrel is back! Hehehe, it was nice to read in the last chap of Ciel showing his worry in his own bratty way. ;3
Shadow Fox 2013 chapter 13 . 7/28/2014
Goodness! Sorry for the super late review Interesting chapter though...
tetisheri chapter 12 . 6/13/2014
I must say this story is greatly entertaining. I can't wait to see Ell again, so please update soon.
Shadow Fox 2013 chapter 12 . 5/24/2014
Yay! I seriously love this story!
ichigo1508 chapter 11 . 5/6/2014
Shadow Fox 2013 chapter 11 . 4/28/2014
XD Ha! Kent was in a dress :3 So HunterxHunter? Sounds interesting, never heard of it *shrugs* Awesome job!
Shadow Fox 2013 chapter 10 . 4/19/2014
Hehe, Titanic... AWESOME STORY! I can't wait for the next one! (So Kent has the hots for Elli? ;))
xFosteRx chapter 10 . 4/3/2014
I really like this story.

Which is ...different... since i don't like OCs
Daughter of Kabegami chapter 9 . 3/10/2014
And then my funeral would be organized by my Unny-kun (the Undertaker XD) and I would be even happier in the afterlife.
Very fantabulous chapter, by the way! I can't wait until the Campania Arc! That is the one where my Unny-kun gained a couple hundred thousand fangirls. I didn't need to see his sexy eyes, I already loved him for the personality that scared others away. X3
xFosteRx chapter 8 . 2/14/2014
I- I... NEED...mooooorrrrrrrre. I'm literally left hooked and thinking about your stories for /weeks/ after one chapter update, so please please /please/ update. I love you. Please. I love your stories. Please.
Ignis76 chapter 8 . 2/14/2014
Interesting. Will Elliot meet Jim Macken again when he's Alois Trancy?
Ignis76 chapter 7 . 2/9/2014
Poor Elli. Are you going to update soon?
Daughter of Kabegami chapter 7 . 1/14/2014
This chapter was...amazing. I would definitely be like her and risk my life by running into the fire and trying to save whomever I could. And THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY SON! I got the reference right away. Jim MackenAlois Trancy. Ya...I took both Ciel and Alois under my wing without even intending to. They can both take care of themselves so well but...I've always felt like the 2 of them needed somebody in their life besides a demon to assure them that there are people who truly love and care for them as they are. Somebody who would give them love without asking anything in return.
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