Reviews for California Mews
Lotus Sword chapter 13 . 5/30/2014
Hahah, she really is hilarious! Ilove how she pisses off all the aliens (well, except one) :) please update soon again!
Lotus Sword chapter 4 . 5/23/2014
Ooh god! This story is so hilarious! I'll be sure to follow!
Akira Hayashi chapter 9 . 9/9/2013
YAY you updated! And I kinda feel bad for you, and your brother. Bless you and your family :)
Akira Hayashi chapter 8 . 8/26/2013
I have a feeling that Kai is also in love with Crystal (kaori properly already is) but can't cause he is a ghost. P.S I APPROVE THIS STORY
Akira Hayashi chapter 6 . 8/26/2013
Awe poor Crystal, even though I didn't get pushed into a gutter when younger I didn't like to go outside very much and I was picked on by other kids because what I looked liked, so I can relate to Crystal, its a good thing that Kai is there even though he couldn't help her. I want a friend like Kai, ghost or not :P.
Akira Hayashi chapter 5 . 8/26/2013
Aaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwe I like Kai, I wanna hug him now but he's a ghost D:.
Konekokitticat chapter 8 . 8/26/2013
And welcome I really lke kaikai Nya*wink*
Real spirit?!
God I'm on vacation and I can't read the chaps hehe *sweatdrop*_
Konekokitticat chapter 7 . 8/19/2013
It was good*wink*.
Akira Hayashi chapter 4 . 8/15/2013
Wow i like this chapter, " be careful and... don't get pregnant!" Haha! Best line ever, Angel sounds like my cousin/sister. Can't wait for next chapter nya! .
Konekokitticat chapter 4 . 8/1/2013
haha that was SO FUNNY!also i dont have any idea GOMENASAI!TT
Tomoyo Kinomoto chapter 1 . 7/26/2013
Cute idea. However, there are a couple of things in your fic that are a little off-putting to new readers.

1. If you collapse from taking an online quiz, then watch your best friend collapse for NO REASON, most people would be severely freaked out. It's not plausible that your character - no matter how happy, upbeat, or strange she may be - would just take the computer from her unconscious friend's hands and start playing games.

2. Although it might be amusing to you to talk about your psychopath-like smile, it's awkwardly shoved into your writing at random intervals.

3. Add more details to the transitions. You said you were scared after taking the online test, but that seemingly evaporated the second you told your friend to start the test herself. What happened? Also, try to show emotions rather than just state them - it adds more flavor to the story and hooks the reader in more.

4. Just from a logic stand point... how can a random laptop that you've had in your possession for the past X number of years suddenly contain multiple animal DNA strands and the ability to inject them? Or else, did you mean to say that there was a flash of red light as something beamed in through the open window?

5. Don't. Use. Slashes. In. Real. Writing. They're grammatically incorrect and should only be used in lists or shorthand. It's the equivalent of using chat speak (ex: lol, omg, irl...). Don't do it.

So those are some basic tips. And remember that most people judge a fic based on the first chapter, so it's important to have a strong presentation.

Also, self-insertion fics are usually looked down on because they are rarely well done. Make sure that you remember that the you in your story is NOT actually you - she is a character in her own right, even if she's based off of you. Therefore, that means that people's reactions and comments are about this fictional character NOT about you. So remember to keep those separate.

Konekokitticat chapter 3 . 7/25/2013
it is okay i dont mind that you gave my name in human who know maybe he is the white knight for Angel or DEEP BLUES HOST!
i guess Angel now have her OWN alien boyfriend hehehe
Akira Hayashi chapter 3 . 7/25/2013
wow Tadaseluver123 you just made me even more excited about this story cause my OC mew mew is like Crystal (but with different hair and eye color) and she is also a volcano rabbit. thank you thank you thank you!
Akira Hayashi chapter 1 . 7/25/2013
if this ever happen to me and i had a friend who became a mew mew with me, i would scream that the fact that i was a mew mew and the thought of Kisshu being real. i would scream so loud that the whole world would hear.
Konekokitticat chapter 2 . 7/23/2013
nice now i will give you names:

Mary,Susan and Karolain

Jeigob,hari and manson

i hope you like my names I LOVE YOUR STORY UPDATE
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