Reviews for Invisible
Guest chapter 1 . 1/30/2016
Awwww that was oddly sweet and kinda left me wanting more just like the game itself :D Well done
Gender Outlaw chapter 1 . 10/17/2014
I came by your profile because I was curious to know more about you after I got the story favorite alert from FFnet, and immediately saw this gem. The quick and simply entangling summary just got to me, and that's a good description for the whole work - quick, simple, and deeply entangling. I just love the melancholy way we slide right through the characters, and get to the heart of them. I don't know this character you crossed the Guardians with, but the shillouette you paint is deliciously dark. I love it. Small, like the opening to an abyss. Thank you.
Universal808 chapter 1 . 8/23/2013
That was pretty interesting! You're actually very good for someone who doesn't have English as his or her first language. I don't see how this sucks at all. It's interesting, I have thought of something like this before, but didn't really go much into depth. Nice Drabble!