Reviews for Popular
Lilac Gemini chapter 4 . 7/1/2017
seriously, where the hell did you get your sense of humor, i need it
Lilac Gemini chapter 3 . 7/1/2017
this is fucking incredible oh my god
Pokematic7 chapter 10 . 5/22/2017
You will never know how happy this fic has made me. I know, KNOW, that I've read some of this before or maybe I'm subscribed to you or one of your other stories I DONT KNOW. But I just read this all the way through and it was the FUNNIEST THING in a WHILE. I swear I laughed SO MUCH IM SO SERIOUS I WAS SO AMUSED OMG. I don't know I was just expecting it to be crack or something and I'd be over it in a chapter or two but no this is so smart even when it's totally ridiculous and out there. Okay honestly? Neo Satan Ash was too much for me at the end there, but you REELED ME BACK IN with "Green was Nickelback all along." I don't think I've ever heard a better punchline. Omg there's just, there's so much. I love the plot so much tbh, and TOUYA is my fav, I just love it when he's up. I'm so excited for when he'll get to do trainer stuff. God I wanna say more but just, thank you for writing this! I wish you well on the next chapter!
Chaoshift chapter 10 . 2/13/2017
Such an awesome revelation! It all makes sense!
Pokemonlover chapter 9 . 12/10/2015
Hey, just a question- is Kyouhei ftm trans? I noticed that you used they/them pronouns for Kyouhei so yeah...
AppleBearPerfume chapter 9 . 8/24/2015
Neo Satan Ash Ketchum? I know I said that when I read it. Still. Neo. Satan. Ash. Ketchum.

Where do you come up with this shit, honey?

I love you very much. Keep writing! We all want an update xx
jess chapter 9 . 6/30/2015
this is amazing. all characters here are written with pretty much realife-alike personification, especially red. He is totally looking badass here, and hot.
I had read all of your isshushipping fanfictions, they are just so cute and i'm looking forward to seeing more of them in this story, well depends on your choice though. please continue anyway, your stories are simply funny and wonderful "
Curious Calamity chapter 9 . 6/25/2015
oh my fucking god this is amazing
i need more pls
Curious Calamity chapter 4 . 6/24/2015
the songs
sad song
and terrible things [mayday parade] are good songs
so is the english cover of lost ones weeping
WrenchingStar chapter 9 . 4/1/2015
I don't know how to react to Ash being Neo Satan but honestly? Makes sense... explains the anime.
PokeSpeBanette chapter 9 . 3/13/2015
...well this explains ash's weird immortality and red's eyes.
WrenchingStar chapter 8 . 12/24/2014
This is a very good story but I thought the Giovanni suicide theory was confirmed by evidence or whatever. But anyway keep it up!
ChibiFoxx chapter 8 . 12/17/2014
Nickelbackk xD I can't get over the fact Red is working with Giovanni now ..(it's refreshing to say the least) to defeat a common enemy- does Giovanni have anything up his sleeves though? We all know why Green pretended to forget Red was gone, and it's great Blue decided to spill the beans! Finally some progress in their relationship. Poor Black, future co-king (queen) of team Plasma, receiving much critism for his flirting techniques. He finally quit- what will he do now? Cheren will get over it- it will take time though. Black seems to be the poor victim in every situation xD Update soon!
kamimimi chapter 8 . 12/16/2014
jon the whiny bitch is fucking incredible oh my god I'm gonna associate him with nickelback songs for the rest of my life
ChibiFoxx chapter 7 . 11/11/2014
Red's so messed up and confused in his quest to get Green's attention, its adorable. Amazing how far one would go to save their pride instead of simply confessing, ya know xD but the process is what makes the outcome all the more worthwhile, no? Poor Black, having conflicting feelings about N-looking forward to the next chapter on that. And Silvy blushing? How very rare, oh Gold xD Yes, and that popular song by Red made me blush, how audacious and sexy that music vid was xD for a moment I thought he was about to sing Bubble by sebastian castro... well. Update soon!
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