Reviews for You are the Moon
Nekosan125 chapter 13 . 7/7/2016
Please update! I just love you're story! Killua you're the BEST!
kxgfangirl chapter 8 . 9/16/2015
Itai! Itai! Itai! *cries* poor Killua.
kxgfangirl chapter 6 . 9/16/2015
It was worth a shot lol :D Killua I luv you
Guest chapter 13 . 5/17/2015
Please Update
Seattle's Beans chapter 13 . 12/8/2014
So I came back after like a year and retread this story and was all like "wow, blast from the past, oh look new chapters." Then saw you kind of leave it there. In that cliffhanger... :(((((( Don't leave us all there, willwriteforcoffee, hanging on that mountaintop.

Because it been long
But still nothing has gone wrong
For this story has lived on
But now, is it gone?
No, please say it's a no.
Bring back the black and white of Po
Aka GON and Killua's hair colors
And maybe even that of Killua's brothers.
Continue writing for us all to see.
We beg of you, willwriteforcoffee
dekdes chapter 13 . 11/26/2014
Greaaaaatttt storyyyy :))
Angels and Crows chapter 13 . 9/1/2014
This story is awesome! I absolutely love how you handle Hisoka! X3 please update soon! This story gives me awesome fuzzy feels -MnM
Butterfree chapter 13 . 7/29/2014
Ah! You updated! Yesss. Interesting tunr of events. Killua should know better than teaming up with Hisoka. Then again, Hisoka does have a thing for shotas.

evrafan1 chapter 13 . 7/28/2014
Wow this is really good so far! please update soon!
superjunior101315 chapter 12 . 7/3/2014
Hi! Will you be updating soon? Because if you accept requests for your story, I would like to request a jealous and possessive Killua. Like perhaps, some boy caught Gon's interest then Killua is not pleased about it. Heheh! Just a request though
Ezabungles chapter 12 . 5/22/2014
Please please please continue.
I definitely want more of this! I love Hisoka nonchalantly trying to sneak a perv at Gon in the shower! Brilliant.
743 chapter 12 . 3/13/2014
Please continue, I would love it if you did. The story is excellent so far, I couldn't ask for anything better! Keep up the good work! )
Joelchan chapter 12 . 2/15/2014
I'm so in love with this story! Please.. write more
Bushwah chapter 12 . 1/14/2014
This is really good. Wow... wonder where it's going... la la la. Ah? Where was I?

Your story. Right. And Killua's jealousy is *something*. Hmm... let's bet they're attacked on the way to get clothing? Shall we?
aaaaaaaaaa44 chapter 12 . 1/3/2014
You updated! Yay! You should definitely continue this story, I really like Killua/Gon stories and I think this one is really cute, it's fluffy but with a little bit of drama in it which makes it perfect in my opinion! Keep up the good work! ()
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