Reviews for Babydoll
kkdall123 chapter 1 . 8/22
It’s really bad practice not to warn of main character death or angst. It makes what could be a good read a really horrible experience for those of us with anxiety and depression.
Jessmarie82 chapter 1 . 4/29
This was such an amazing story.
Although i won’t lie, the ending left me feeling sad and empty that they didn’t get their happy ending... it wouldn’t have made sense if they did with everything Edward was involved in.
You are an amazing author and i really hope you continue writing!
Gigileexo chapter 28 . 3/21
Okay I’m crying, why oh why?! Despite ruining me(!)... this was such a beautiful read and I’m glad I took the dive. I don’t think I’ll be forgetting this one anytime soon...
-Gigi xo
nosserate chapter 28 . 12/12/2019
SO I'm currently just crying over this story. I just finished it and it has been one of the most realistic and heartbreaking stories I've ever read. It was real, raw, and so life like. I had a bad feeling with Edward was leaving the party the way he did that Bella would never see him again. I saw it coming, but it still hurt. Thank you for this amazing story!
Guest chapter 29 . 12/10/2019
I actually liked this story... it had a feel of authenticity to it...
Guest chapter 29 . 11/25/2019
Im crying
Hotteaforme chapter 29 . 11/10/2019
Oh wow. I enjoyed this but was not expecting that ending! Great job.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/1/2019
Guest chapter 29 . 11/1/2019
Well I just read this story and must say I'm disappointed. It certainly wasn't the story I thought I was signing up for based on the description. I did enjoy most of it anyway and of course was wanting a HEA but okay I can move past that. What was really disappointing was the way the ending was written. It felt rushed and lacked any depth of emotion. I have read stories without the HEA before but the well written ones cause that ache that stays with you for a couple of days. I'll move on from this as soon as I post this review. So I say if you are publishing this story, then perhaps work on the ending and maybe a least give a hint of angst in the description so purchasers can make an informed decision. Regardless, good luck to you and thanks for your story.
EeWee chapter 28 . 11/1/2019
So sad but saw it coming. I love Law and Order too. Always hope for a HEA but this ended the way it should have to keep it real. Good story.
EdwardBellaRenesmeCullen chapter 28 . 10/30/2019
I don’t like when author didn’t warned reader and said main character dead. You should tell us Bella and Edward don’t have happy ending. I wasted my time read this story. You should remove Bella and Edward name out. I will never suport or read story from you again.
hohi.rose chapter 28 . 10/29/2019
Soooo i come to read fanfiction to escape reality becuz it sucks ass and thats why i try to avoid tragedy and main characters deaths... i understand ur reasons for not labeling ur stories hun but idk... im lost for words here lol altho i already wrote a shit-ton. Anyway halfway through it i had a feeling that the ending was gonna be a shitshow but i was already too invested to leave so i read on and let me tell u the last chapters gave me a tinsy bit of hope for a hae but as soon as bella mentioned bonnie and clyde i was suspicious again and the stupid Edward JUST HAD TO GO WITH FUCKIN FELIX! Gotta give it toya men ARE HARDHEADED BASTARDS WHEN THEY WANNA BE! ooof i just blew up there sorry.
Anyway after that i new he wasn't coming back intact... soooo thnx 4 the good read but it wasn't my cuppa tea... you're a really good writer tho keep up the good work and good luck with your other stories byeeeee
mommymac0508 chapter 29 . 10/29/2019
Thanks for the heads up I will look for you on FB
rubyblue9696 chapter 29 . 10/29/2019
gotta ignore the haters...just sing the new taylor swift song, lol...and, i loved this story when i read it the first jj
HiraFrance chapter 29 . 10/28/2019
K, I 'll check the new version on your FB group :)
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