Reviews for Underneath
MegamiHana chapter 11 . 7/3
Creo que estoy un poco triste al ver que la ultima actualización fue en 2016, pero mantendre esperanzas. Me gustaria saber como va a avanzar la historia a partir de ahora, lo de ellos es algo sutil, asi que tengo curiosidad de ver como manejas su desarrollo
MegamiHana chapter 6 . 7/3
¡Aaahahahahhajaj!Chica, me acabas de dejar en suspensoooo
Me encanta esta historia y como se maneja, se acopla muy bien a los personajes y es algo que valoro muchísimo
Seguire leyendo
Saludos y abrazos
MegamiHana chapter 2 . 7/3
Me encantan esta pareja, en serio. Asi que me gusta por donde va el fic. Estoy super curiosa, saludos y besos.
Guest chapter 11 . 9/22/2019
Oh, wow! This is absolutely fantastic! I love it when Naruto writers give some thought to the missions they send the heroes on and oh Man! did you do amazing on it! It's so nicely done and perfectly supports the character and relarionship development!

Also can I just talk about the characters for a bit? 'cause really, Tenten and Shino are my favourites and I love love love how you've handled them! I liked how Shino slowly grew to care for her; how even with how observant he usually is he hadn't known much about her but all the same respected her experience and learned to trust her instincts. And that scene where they practiced intimacy? That was pure gold! (I was giggling like crazy imagining Lee talking the task with his usual fiery passion). Also yes! Yes! Yes! Tenten is totally the type who cares about others before she cares about herself! I loved how you used her moment of weakness to showcase that. Great work!

I know that this fic hasn't been updated in a long while, but I really hope you can continue with it. It's so good! And I really, really need to learn what happens to Shino! I want to believe that his experience with poison at the chunin finals taught him a bit and that the dead bugs are just the ones eating the poison out of him instead of his colony dying with him! I'm still holding out hope that you'll return to this and complete it, because it's really an amazing tale and it deserves an ending.
Madworld88 chapter 11 . 8/28/2019
I still reread this story every now and then and hope for an update, i still have faith that you will return and eagerly await that day!
Sk chapter 11 . 11/1/2018
Girl u need to update! I need to see their relationship progress!
chocolate121716 chapter 1 . 7/18/2017
Continue this story but don't let Shino die I'll be so damn sad
Guest chapter 11 . 6/6/2017
Oh por dios. Actualizar esta historia.
jofthec chapter 6 . 5/27/2017
OMG I haven't even finished reading yet but I had to let you know that this is probably my favourite ShinoTen story of all times! it's so in character, and the "touch exercise" scene had me buzzing with (imaginary) kikkai
epear96 chapter 11 . 5/7/2017
Keep going please. I want to see if Shino makes it. I also want to see Shino and Tenten actually kiss and all the romance that leads up to it.
Lea chapter 11 . 4/27/2017
I love it! ️️️️ You've got to continue this please
mercydonovan chapter 1 . 1/9/2017
You're killing me! Just don't kill Shino, please. I'll be sad.
AbuUzuShi chapter 4 . 12/22/2016
When you find one of the best fics centerpieceing Shino, but the updates take forever. Alas, you cannot rush a masterpiece, and time will equate to quality. I certainly can't wait to see the next chapter of this story, so keep up your good work Deena!
Guren lux chapter 11 . 7/22/2016
I loved it, if I'm honest in my Spanish language I do not getstories how are you ω thanks for sharing it with us all.
AkatsukiV chapter 11 . 6/9/2016
Simply amazing! I know its been a while since you've updated, but I really hope you do so soon!
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