Reviews for Cheeky Pride
Stormglass chapter 1 . 8/28/2017
guest Mia I hope you realise that you sound like an uncultured swine. You do realise that by taking the time to read the whole chapter and then comment means you clearly liked it enough to finish reading and for some reason, probably because you lack intelligence, decided to comment. Please do not respond, I felt my IQ drop when I read your comment. I am allowing that so I may attempt to raise your IQ above the negatives. Your response on the lovely authors OC is very... pitiful. Please just focus on your school work so you can proceed to 6th grade. Though I am unsure as to if studying will aid you... If you do not understand what an OC is... it means Other Character. Therefore the lovely author may choose the entirety of the unknown character. If you dislike anything about the OC make up your own. Please do not waste the precious time of the lovely author just so that everyone can see your lack of grace. Also, your last sentence makes no sense. This is not very relevant but I must state it in case you continue this boorish behaviour. I am here to read stories and enjoy them. You are reading it only to get some sick satisfaction of lowering other people's self esteem. Mayhaps because you write poorly and have thus been told so and are in some childish frenzy. Please desist this behaviour. I have no reason to respond as this is not my story, but I have enjoyed it and I feel that the lovely author should read only kind things as an authors self esteem is not always very high. If you wish to be an irksome twat please do so elsewhere, preferably not on this site as if I take time to defend and protect my lovely authors. Thank you for your time Guest Mia. I hope the time it took you to read this is equivalent to the time and effort it took you to write and post your insensitive review.
Mia chapter 1 . 1/17/2016
This story is shit. I would give it up now because it is a piece of crap. Your OC's name and hair colour is stupid and so is the whole story. I couldn't be bothered to read last chapter 1.
musicluver246 chapter 4 . 12/24/2015
Can't wait for more.
EdhelwenOnieta chapter 3 . 10/12/2013
interesting start...update as soon as you can .