Reviews for Staying Afloat
traceyaudette chapter 55 . 4/15/2016
Love this story!
minstorai chapter 39 . 1/3/2016
Omfg just about every visitation scene now's got me bawling "Are you thinking a Spring wedding?" your writing's so fucking flawless!
minstorai chapter 22 . 1/3/2016
Lol I kinda hope he actually does teach her and use Juice's ride cause it'd be hilarious! And I'm about to crack up cause she was "warned about Tig"
Ok now I actually am cracking up -thanks to Happy, lol he made that amazing visit a million times more brilliant than it already was!
minstorai chapter 15 . 1/3/2016
Lmfao "And by funny, I mean terrifying. Please don't let her near my bike, man," that whole entire scene had me cheesing so hard!
minstorai chapter 8 . 1/3/2016
Ok, I'm absolutely in LOVE with your portrayal of Kerrianne!
Guest chapter 8 . 7/4/2015
Seriously enjoying reading this! Some genuine laugh out loud moments!
jfdkalhfjdsbbe chapter 55 . 5/20/2015
YES! I'm so happy you finally updated this. (Perhaps this will inspire me to flippin' update my own SOA stuff.) I've been in need of reminding of all the reasons why I loved this show, and love these characters. First off, the little detail of Chibs handing the papers off, but his eyes staying on his wife is great. I mean, Tess kept saying Kozy is sweet, but Chibs is sweet too :D.
I'm glad that while he thought of maybe hiding the card from her, that that didn't actually happen. I would hate to see their trust broken right out of the gate. And their banter, damn, I've missed it. So good. The entire 'not sweet, manly' thing was so funny, and perfect. I'm so nervous about this entire Tess/Mom thing. I mean, I know I'm probably paranoid, but this is SOA, so I just feel like this is going to go bad in the worst possible way. I hope I'm wrong, I mean, maybe they have a perfectly pleasant breakfast, patchwork their relationship, and go forward with a new understanding of one another... I mean, I feel it's unlikely, but it could happen. OMG what if her mother brings Tess's fiance along. NO. Stop. Why am I doing this to myself. I need to just close this tab, right now, and stop fretting about the lives of fictional characters. SEE WHAT YOU DO TO ME. I'm going to work. :P
simbagirl chapter 55 . 5/18/2015
Yay,an update! I love how you write so thank you!
Mrssilvers chapter 55 . 5/17/2015
I cannot express how thrilled I am that you have decided to update this story. What a great chapter it is. Tess's mother? What is going to come of this? Looking forward to finding out more.
austinmomma93 chapter 54 . 1/27/2015
I was hesitant about starting this book because I've never liked Fiona. But I read it anyway. Actually stayed up all night long and read it. Like 8 hours; from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Now, I see Fi in a whole different light. UGH! I hate you for making me like her! Haha...

Will we be getting an update anytime soon?
Crocodile747 chapter 54 . 1/11/2015
Wow! I read all 54 parts and I cant wait for more. I really like the story and your writing. Please update soon!
jfdkalhfjdsbbe chapter 54 . 1/8/2015
I never really thought about what it would be like to sit on the 'freedom' side in a prison, after spending years inside. I really feel for Opie here, being there with his brothers on the inside. I admire how his loyalty to them won out over his desire to stay away from the place. The boy-talk was perfect, I love how they shoot-the-shit, and are able to say it how it is with one another. They both have such a great sense of humour and when Opie suggested that if numbers got too low they could just patch the ladies in I laughed so hard, after seeing Fiona dual-wield in season 3, I have no doubt those ladies would scare the shit out of any foe. The parting ribbing Opie gives Jax is so fucking funny- I love the way you write these guys.

Everything about the ladies shopping trip is perfect. I love how modest Tess is, and how eager Fiona is, everyone just compliments one another in this section, the conversation flows so naturally. Tara's 'desperate' joke had me laughing, it's great to see that these ladies get along so well. When Lila confesses about Opie wanting a baby it just really shows how close these four have become. Fiona's 'apron' comment at the end is such a great way to finish the section off.

Kozik in a mechanic's uniform. Thank you. LOL. He's clearly protective of Tess, and I love that he instinctually lies to the woman. I also really love that instead of going behind her back and trying to find out more on this woman, he calls Tess instead. Many cases, the guys try to keep their Old Ladies out of everything, and that blindness sometimes backfires. I feel like this really displays the trust he has in her.

Now, considering how long it has been since I've updated, I really don't feel like I'm in a position to beg for more, but I kind of am willing to do it anyway. This is such a great chapter, and I really can't wait for more!
HGRHfan35 chapter 54 . 1/5/2015
...and trouble comes knocking in the form of former Family?

***Opie thought about what Jax was saying. As much as he hated to admit it, his friend had a point. He had been fine with Lila before, known exactly who she was and what she did for a living right from the start. Hell, the reason he met her in the first place was because she was one of Luanne's girls. He just couldn't stand the thought of her being with some other dick, even if it was just for work. Jax was right, though. He could either talk to her and hope that she saw things his way, or he could fucking kill every guy who put his hands on her.

Just then, the notice sounded for the end of visitation. "You know," Opie said as he stood up to hug Jax. "I am pretty sure Lila played a doctor in one of her movies. I'll have to see if I can find it for you, just so you have a better idea of what Tara is doing while she is at work."

"Oh, fuck you, Op," Jax groaned.*** EXCELLENT COME-BACK OPE!

On a personal note...on November 7th, I had to let my own Dog go after 11 years together. Sadly, I do know how you feel. It's way too quiet at home now and no reason to get out of bed in the morning. Trying hard to fight my mild depression but at hard. Will be thinking of you *hugs*
kelly.timson.1 chapter 54 . 1/4/2015
Yay an update! :-D more please
Mrssilvers chapter 54 . 1/3/2015
I am so happy that you decided to continue this story. I love the angle , points of view, and characters you have portrayed. You have good flow which provides easy ready and depth to your story. It is so interesting thinking about the fourteen months from the point of view of those on the outside. Giving Kozik more of a story line is fantastic. As well as the addition of Tess and the addition of Rory. I lke the family side of SAMCRO that your story has. I always felt that at the heart of the series family was a big portion of the show. I hope you continue this story. I always believe that saying that you are sorry for someone's loss is inadequate. However I have never found words that are.
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