Reviews for Total Drama Redemption
FreneticGrape87 chapter 34 . 5/24
I'm loving the story so far! SO. MANY. REFERENCES! (I especially liked the few Team Fortress 2 references you put in there) My only question is, why Noah and Izzy?
ReviewMaster555 chapter 50 . 4/15
My name is Master and i am shocked to see heather get the boot.
TDIFan chapter 48 . 4/15
wow thanks for the elimination Tyler is one of my disliked characters.
Guest chapter 25 . 11/10/2019
I am on chapter 25 and I figured how Cody didn’t know about the blueberries. Heather put them in his pocket when they hugged!
lightningblossom23 chapter 59 . 9/2/2019
This was fucking awesome like woah this was amazing. Time for the sequel!
lightningblossom23 chapter 50 . 9/2/2019
I wanted heather to shave her hair but this is good too
lightningblossom23 chapter 36 . 9/1/2019
yes this is getting intense !
lightningblossom23 chapter 35 . 9/1/2019
i don’t know if the “destroy us all” was a reference of Billy and Mandy or not but i loved it
CreepCatDog chapter 18 . 3/26/2019
Les clowns ? Heh... Moi c'est pas une peur, mais une phobie..
CreepCatDog chapter 4 . 3/26/2019
J'aurais bien voulu que ce soit Noah qui change d'équipe :/
MisoSoup1 chapter 47 . 9/22/2018

Tyler is not in the final 5!
nyanyanya22 chapter 1 . 9/12/2018
Canadian Football isn’t American football...there’s a difference
nintenlympics chapter 47 . 4/20/2018
If we saw THIS Tyler in the canon version, he'd definitely be much more interesting.
Uncle Grimsley chapter 34 . 4/14/2018
I really love Tyler and Noah's friendship. They're complete opposites who try to understand each other. I hope they patch things up in your World Tour.
Sergeant Fiction chapter 60 . 4/4/2018
This story was amazing! I am a very amateur writer and only have one story, but your stories are amazing! Noah is also my favorite character, and I always thought that he should've gone farther in Island and World Tour. At least he kinda got what he deserved in Ridonculous Race, although I think he and Owen should have gotten to fifth instead of the Daters/Haters. Owen is another favorite of mine. But I could never have courage to write like this, because I am too scared of what people will say. My writing style is unique, but I'm not sure if it's a good or bad unique. I always have ideas, but I can never post them.
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