Reviews for The Chronicles of Narnia - Only the Beginning of the Adventure
jnjohnson chapter 3 . 7/29/2019
I throughly enjoyed your stories, I so hope you haven’t lost the passion to continue on, I’m dying to know how it ends. I loved the way you blended the movies and ideas smoothly, in fact, I would much rather watch this version of VOTDT than the one we have now. Seriously, you are amazingly talented and I can’t wait for more!
Yong Soo Kim chapter 3 . 6/16/2019
pleaseee update T_T
I really love this story3
Guest chapter 3 . 6/25/2018
Please update! This is really good!
kimbapikeanna chapter 1 . 5/7/2018
Please finish the storyyyyyy~!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/10/2018
I haven't even begun reading yet and I'm already davastaed that it hasn't been updated in so long. I've recently remembered how much I shipped this pairing and there's so few good fanfiction out there.
Filipinagirl04 chapter 3 . 3/29/2018
Are you going to continue this?
DancingFuzzball971 chapter 3 . 11/2/2017
love it! all i can say is wow!
Asuka1920 chapter 3 . 7/8/2017
Hope you continue.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/7/2017
wantsamagicwand chapter 3 . 3/21/2017
Noooooooo! More more please! PLEEEEAAASE! You write it all so beautifull please write more. I'm hooked. Please I adore your writing. Please write more! Please I'm actually begging here! Pleeeaaassee!
BroTP'sandOTPs chapter 3 . 2/15/2017
hello hello! I love love love your stories! I have read all of yours, and I just want to ask you why you stopped writing this one? Your adaptation of the dawn treader is the best one I've read and I have read it multiple times now. This sequel has so much potential, and you are an amazing author. I was just wondering why you stopped and if you would ever consider continuing it? I know that my review probably won't sway you and that your decisions are your own and I respect that, I was just curious. But still, thank-you so much for writing these, it's a great way to escape for a while with one of my OTP's :D Keep being awesome xxx.
AnnieElyse chapter 3 . 1/16/2017
Just found this story and I love it. I know you haven't updated in awhile but it's still so magical and lovely. Amazing work!
AshBlondeProngs chapter 3 . 11/30/2016
Hello there! I am in love with your multi-chapter stories and your short ones too, can I just ask something though? Why did you ever stop? I mean, your stories are brilliant and I was just wondering, I love the Susan/Caspian pairing so finding you and your stories was like discovering a gold mine ;) was just wondering if you ever planned to start writing again? I hope you do, after all, its not every day you find an author like you :) Anyway thank-you for the brilliance, lots of admiration, AshBlondeProngs
Guest chapter 3 . 11/13/2016
Please please update I really miss you please come back
Guest chapter 3 . 11/8/2016
Please finish this story
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