Reviews for On Balance
ms9392 chapter 16 . 7/8
I love this so much. And your stories are always well-researched. Thank you for sharing this wonderful read.
AmericanGhost chapter 16 . 6/21
Such a wonderful story. I just read this and Off Balance for the first time. I loved the first story and was very surprised by where you took this one. I loved it, but it took me longer to get into. As a young childless lawyer myself, I could not imagine quitting my career. I thought Lizzy had gone crazy! But the more I read, the more I understood. I was surprised at how much I learned from this story.

This and Off Balance are two of my favorites now. I just love your writing style and I think you really created a unique version of Lizzy who feels both true to the character from the book, but something that’s totally her own. I enjoyed this so much and I thank you for sharing this pair of stories with us!
Guest chapter 8 . 6/4
Lizzy just makes things up to argue about I swear.
ourkidmolly chapter 16 . 2/19
Absolutely loved these two stories. Thanks for writing and sharing. Loved this version of Lizzy and Will. Have you any more published work?
Stephyyyy01 chapter 16 . 1/27
Una historia sumamente madura. Te hace ver todo desde otra perspectiva, al inicio empezaba a odiar a Darcy, ya que en la anterior historia parecia haber madurado, y ahora toda la carga la tenía solo Elizabeth.

Interesante! Quizás deberías publicarlo como libro, porque además de tomar a dos personajes queridos vemos un enfoque maduro, una perspectiva del feminismo, familia y problemas reales. Espero leer más de ti. ️
Stephyyyy01 chapter 13 . 1/27
Muy interesante. Es un nuevo enfoque y me llama mucho la atención que sea llevado en una variación de Orgullo y Prejuicio. ️
Stephyyyy01 chapter 10 . 1/27
Si Elizabeth está bien así pues yo igual. Es una nueva faceta, y ya no está sola.
Stephyyyy01 chapter 9 . 1/26
Al menos Darcy lo está intentando, si seguía como antes lo iba.a odiar. Elizabeth también se da tiempo para ella misma.
Stephyyyy01 chapter 8 . 1/26
Es triste. Elizabeth era un tipo de heroína, pero ahora es solo ella quien lleva la relación. No creo que Darcy sea machista, pero él solo "ayuda", no sé cómo ella lo soporta.

En la primera parte de la historia, creí que había madurado, acá hay mucho menos romance, quizás sea eso lo que no me deje ver a Darcy como un buen esposo, sumado a que es un padre ausente.
Stephyyyy01 chapter 7 . 1/26
Darcy es todo lo que Elizabeth no quería, wtf.
Stephyyyy01 chapter 7 . 1/26

Yo que Elizabeth o le digo algo o nos separamos. Es como si no estuviera ahí.
Stephyyyy01 chapter 3 . 1/26
Pobre Elizabeth. Y visto así Darcy parece un padre ausente.
Stephyyyy01 chapter 1 . 1/26
Machu Picchu
MrsMarySmythe chapter 16 . 1/24
I enjoyed both installments of your overall story, but this one really spoke to me because this is where I'm currently at in life with a 3 (almost 4) year old daughter and a 1 year old son. not only that, but I was one of those people who thought that they would never quit working to stay home with their kid(suntil that's exactly what I did. my reasons were both similar (it was overwhelming to balance responsibilities) and different (daycare is expensive; ate up my entire paycheck, so why bother) from Lizzy's, but it all boiled down to what was right for our family.

but my life story, as reflected here so wonderfully in this work, is not all that uncommon. nor are the many quandaries, issues and straight up problems of all the other moms featured. we all get by with what we're given, sometimes with less help and support than we deserve, but we're all fighting the good fight for our kids and ourselves. that really came through in your story, without shame and judgement, and I really related to it. my style is more like Lizzy's (go with what works and try to be flexible), but I could see the love in sanctimommy Jane (no matter how much I wanted to strangle her sometimes) and the frustrated/defeated Charlotte (which is something I feel from time to time as well). overall, you covered a great spectrum.

I also liked the feminist bent to both stories in this series, particularly the way you covered issues that are largely overlooked and, therefore, ignored. we all know about the appalling statistics related to unequal pay, but something I've encountered with my husband (who is as supportive as he knows how to be, like Darcy) is that he just can't see some things from my perspective as a woman. such as the mommy being practically forced into primary caregiver role since other choices are (not necessarily intentionally) denied us. I experienced that a lot after my son was born and I was drowning in a difficult situation of having NO time to myself, ever (he was needy like little Emma and co-slept on my chest for seven months before I could get him into a separate bassinet).

but, anyway, long review short, I really enjoyed this series and this story in particular. it was still an HEA, yet with more lifelike complications.

one last random thing, thothose mommy tucks. I had no idea that there were people wandering around out there with NEW belly buttons! that's just super weird to me. can't say why, exactly, other than it's surprising and it seems like as soon as these moms snip the umbilical cord of their babies (thus leaving the child with a newly formed belly button) they get a new one for themselves. at least it's still not as weird (or gross) as the parents who eat the placenta.
Guest chapter 16 . 11/9/2019
Hi, just caught wind of your story and read this one and the prequel. Just delightful overall. Per my preference, I did wish it had taken place in England but location It's become one of my favs and thank you for making the story real, relatable, quirky, and fun!
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