Reviews for Mirror Reflect'd
Michaela pendragon Holmes chapter 2 . 5/22/2017
Why why did you end it like that. It hurts. Normally a sad ending would be ok, I'd be ok but this time I really don't like it. It was well written I just don't like how it ended
Guest chapter 2 . 3/11/2017
so so sad but really good writing and a clever story I'm just going to pretend she stayed with the real Sherlock
Guest chapter 2 . 7/14/2015
How did molly go back? Great series
Poet's Jasmine chapter 2 . 5/31/2015
The ending was bittersweet. I hope somehow in someother alternate reality our real Sherlock meets the real Molly. Poor, sweet Molly. I feel sorry for her and the real Sherlock. I do not like the dark Sherlock at all. But I love your story. Thank you for writing this.
QueenCumberbitch chapter 2 . 5/25/2014
WOW. This was painful. So bloody painful, and yet, so satisfying at the same time.
LovelyLittleLark chapter 2 . 5/21/2014
I have just read this fic for the first time and I have never been so sad and angry ever before in my life. You have ruined me. You must fix it.
signedyourpal chapter 2 . 3/1/2014
AH THESE WERE ALL FANTASTIC. I honestly love this and I wish there was more but it's just so perfect. You are an amazing writer and I love your style and you are very creative with your stories. The repetition of the word: Mine. It was so well used and unbelievably hot I just- this was just perfect.
Hazelmist chapter 2 . 2/25/2014
That was so sad. Poor Molly. :( But I'm glad she at least broke free once and was able to say her goodbye to her Sherlock.
Whatiflove16 chapter 2 . 2/22/2014
BelleIllumina chapter 2 . 1/23/2014
I don't know. At the first parts I'm perfectly fine with Dark!Sherlock with Molly. BUT THIS... this made me cry. I... I just want Sherlolly... but... You wrenched my heart and tore it to bits then shredded it to dust. Knowing that there is only one Molly in both worlds and that both Sherlocks love her so much... I just want Sherlolly...I... the sweet and adorable kind... I'm gonna go cry now...
absolutelyfabulouslyobsessed chapter 2 . 1/22/2014
This is absolutely fantastic! Surely this can't be the end? I'm dying to find out if whether there's a continuation of this. Will Sherlock - our Sherlock - figure it out?

A :)
cumberling chapter 2 . 1/19/2014
"Know that wherever I am, Sherlock, that I am safe. And know that I love you and no one, no one and not even you will change that."

Shit. This part is my favourite. *insert gross sobs* Mirror!Sherlock is a sick bastard. He loves Molly, but he doesn't know how to show it withourt hurting her; it's cruel. Hope you will still write more in this universe. Kudos :)
Brytte Mystere chapter 2 . 1/5/2014
Oh gosh... my poor Sherly, he's utterly broken now, isn't he? Gods, so sorry for him... So the mirror!Sherlock won...
Please tell me you will think about continuing this...
TheRealLKC chapter 2 . 12/31/2013
I'm not to big of a fan of the AU stories but I must say I absolutely LOVED this one. I really wish you'd write more to it. I'd love to see Sherlock try to find Molly. There's so much more that could be added to make it even more amazing than it already is. Great story! :)
necklaceofsongs chapter 2 . 12/10/2013
THAT'S SO SAD. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I DISLIKED AN EVIL SHERLOCK. I saw all the other reviews and I sorta agree...real Sherlock deserves a happy ending. His POV was GUT-WRENCHING. Bravo. An alternate ending perhaps? Pretty please?
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