Reviews for Number One Zero
Library Lolita chapter 4 . 9/16/2019
I was hoping against hope it was only lacking the epi... I really like these two and would love to see how they figured things out.
Ana83114 chapter 1 . 3/2/2019
I don't know why I did this to myself, since I know you haven't updated for 5 years, but damn I couldn't help it! Love where this is going, maybe one day you'll come back
maphie chapter 4 . 9/20/2015
Re-read this from start. I miss them.
luvyateamedward chapter 4 . 5/22/2015
Uh-oh. Why do I get the feeling he is going to explode with his feelings soon. He can hold it in forever and it might come out wrong. Great writing! Can't wait for the next update.
luvyateamedward chapter 2 . 5/22/2015
Great writing!
luvyateamedward chapter 1 . 5/22/2015
Great start! Can't wait to read more!
Rebadams7 chapter 4 . 5/21/2015
He's angles and precision and wanting a soft roundness that music can give to an equation. Before. And now She is light and questions and. A melody he cannot get out of his mind and she cannot admit She craves his angles. She too is immersed in this moment to protect her from the bigger maybes
Guest chapter 4 . 4/18/2015
love the story. but, has it been abandoned? if so, i kinda wish you would take it down so someone (like me) wouldn't spend time reading it just to leave it like this.
Once Upon A Midnight Dreary11 chapter 4 . 3/12/2015
Was that the end? Or has it been abandoned? Lovely in depth story. Thank you for writing.
chasinge chapter 4 . 7/19/2014
So hooked. Loving Edward. I can feel him...
MrzEdCullen chapter 4 . 6/5/2014
I love this story. I love this world you've built for these characters. And this E & B are so unique. They feel so... different from everything else I've read, without feeling fake. I'm so thankful for this update.
I have so many questions. Neither of their personalities seem to be easy to figure out. B's restlessness... how easily she changes her train of thought. I wonder if it's something deeper. Something else that makes her that way. And my heart breaks for E. Does he have some sort of condition? Is that why having B so close feels too much for him? I don't know. I'm rambling here. I can't wait to see how these two will figure things out.
Love, Lisbeth Tejada.
RachelFish chapter 4 . 5/30/2014
I'd forgotten how much I love these two and their journey. And, of course, how much I love Ireen & Believy writing together; it's the stuff my dreams are made of. ️
NeedMyFix chapter 4 . 5/30/2014
I love how you've taken a seemingly ordinary premise and added such depth to it that its become extraordinary!
flyrbrd chapter 4 . 5/27/2014
roxnroll chapter 4 . 5/26/2014
Loved the new chapters! Poor Edward is so confused...Can't wait for more!
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