Reviews for Staying
Mally chapter 8 . 7/24
Ame's world chapter 8 . 4/30
Oh non ! I really would love to read more about this wonderful fanfic
Pleassseeee Pretty please with cherry on top Pleassseeee
BellaK26 chapter 8 . 10/21/2019
I wish you would continue the story
Artemis J. Potter chapter 8 . 5/13/2019
Please finish this! I love love it so much! Agh so many things I wanted to see happen in the books came here - from Sirius staying involved in Harry’s life to calling out Dumbledore for his ignorance-is-bliss mentality and Snape’s BS treatment of Harry (as well as the Dursleys) and Fudge’s incompetence as a minister and Remus being the only deserving DADA teacher Hogwarts has much as I love the canon there are things I wished had happened that you did here. Everyone’s so in character and the plot is so believable. JK would be loud :)
Guest chapter 1 . 5/7/2019
hello! just a guest here to say that i love this story! seriously, it's one of the best things i've read all week! i really hope you continue it :)
Rose099 chapter 8 . 1/20/2019
Ell chapter 8 . 11/23/2018
Love love love please continue this story
CoolFanfictionLover chapter 8 . 8/31/2017
wow i always such stories with sirius and harry
loved it
please do continue this one
bye sumi
Maltheniel chapter 8 . 7/8/2017
Wish you'd continue this! I absolutely love everything you've written. Why, why, WHY didn't JKR write fifth year this way? Sirius is being responsible; Harry is actually being told things, not kept in the dark, which means he's much less frustrated with everything. Love it, particularly the dynamic between Sirius and Harry. Even if you don't write more, I really, really enjoyed this bit. Thanks!
Guest chapter 8 . 3/10/2017
Please write more. Absolutely brilliant story
kazeninatte07 chapter 8 . 11/4/2016
lojosmom chapter 8 . 8/28/2016
It has been so long since you updated. I keep this story on my favorite list, hoping to see more. You are doing so well with it. I really enjoy the relationship between Sirius and Harry. I like how you portray Sirius as a responsible adult and not as the constantly immature Marauder he was in school.
BugheadLove1202 chapter 8 . 8/4/2016
Please, please, PLEASE update again soon! I just read all 8 chapters today and I loved it! :) I love stories with more of a relationship between Sirius and Harry-I wish he hadn't died (PLEASE don't make him die! :( Please! lol)
GodricGeoffreyGryffindor chapter 8 . 7/11/2016
I felt really sorry for Ron at the canon line "Not a really good one." Somehow this stuck out a bit more than in OotP. Ron, even when he's asking for what he wants in a present, has to ask for "cheep but new" rather than "really good". He could have worded it differently, as say "A good keeper broom ... they aren't too expensive" or what he actually said a page or so later in OotP "there's the new Cleensweep out, that'd be great."
GodricGeoffreyGryffindor chapter 7 . 7/11/2016
Harry not being seen going to and from Dumbledore's office too often is a red herring. Harry has an invisibility cloak and a map of Hogwarts. He can go anywhere within Hogwarts he wants without being seen.

As for Dumbledore not being seen favoring Harry with extra lessons, why not? People automatically assume that the boy-who-lived gets special treatment anyway. In both Harry's first and second years Dumbledore awarded Harry and his friends enough last minute house points to give them the House Cup. He allowed Harry to play Quidditch as a first year. Dumbledore always studies Harry intently at every meal they both take in the Great Hall. As you pointed out in your story, Harry is the only student that Dumbledore calls by his first name. His favoritism is already well-known and obvious to all. What would be surprising if people knew is that Dumbledore was *not* giving Harry special lessons. And Harry being seen going to Dumbledore's office regularly doesn't give anybody any information about what actually goes on at such meetings. Dumbledore could always concoct some innocuous excuse for Snape to feed to Voldemort. There's also no reason that Dumbledore has to meet Harry in his office. Any unused classroom will do.

In canon Dumbledore wants to limit his interactions with Harry because he thinks that Voldemort might be able to spy on him through Harry. But if it's dangerous for Dumbledore to have too much interaction with Harry, then the same should apply to Snape as well. Snape is ostensibly a double agent who Voldemort thinks is working for him. The last thing a double agent wants is to be put under too much scrutiny by the side(s) he's trying to fool. Now spies should be trying to get close to their sources of information. For Voldemort, that means getting close to Potter and Dumbledore and whoever they ally themselves with. But if Voldemort could see how Snape interacts with Potter he would know that Snape is not acting in his best interests because he consistently undermines his relationship with Harry and Harry would not willingly share any information with him. Thus, even teaching Harry Potions, let alone Occlumency, is dangerous for Snape if Voldemort can see through Harry's eyes. Snape is the last person Dumbledore should be choosing to teach Harry Occlumency if he values the life of his spy.
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