Reviews for Till the Day We Die
Guest chapter 4 . 2/10
Shadow Ninja 287 chapter 4 . 3/14/2018
Wow. Yzma is gonna outlive them all.
The Fluff Machine chapter 4 . 1/29/2018
I loved this! Such an engaging, sweet and funny story. I got so sucked in that it honestly feels like I just got to watch the sequel I always wanted, that I always thought this movie deserved. It was truly beautiful. You did a great job of weaving in original characters and ideas with the canon. The ending made me "Awh" out loud. It was just the perfect way to wrap everything up and bring it back home, a stunning summary of all Kuzco learned and the ways he grew. Thanks for writing it.
purpledragon6 chapter 4 . 11/10/2017
*gross sobbing because this is just- perfect and adoption is perfect and honorary family and love and-!*
Peacemaker51 chapter 1 . 3/28/2017
still love this story.
Meega-Nala-Kweesta chapter 4 . 3/19/2017
I did not expect this to give me as many feels as it did T-T
But I loved it, it was beautifully written and drew me in completing. Well done on an amazing story! XD
Guest chapter 1 . 3/6/2016
When Kuzco and Pacha
Peacemaker51 chapter 1 . 9/3/2015
I really do love this story. Short as it might be I love the charecter development. Favourite parts gotta be kudo and pacha flashback ch3
Shizuku Tsukishima749 chapter 4 . 5/6/2015
OH, MY GOD. I came to this archive on a whim and was hoping to find some amazing, touching fics. DID I EVER?! WOW! This was INCREDIBLE! I was GLUED to this FOREVER! AGH! This is WONDERFUL! Thank you SO MUCH! This is JUST what I needed! I've been sick and sad for months, but this was SO FREAKING WONDERFUL and made me SO HAPPY! Rock on! Thank you SO MUCH! This is AMAZING! Rock on!
Alliprince chapter 1 . 1/19/2015
((Too lazy to sign in))

Awwwwwww :D I loved this one! Like, most people get Kuzco totally wrong and have him and Pacha in a romantic relationship(BLEH!) so this was nice! :) I love that it's kinda a 'fatherly' relationship too! ITS SO CUUUTE! XD
AngelPie2015 chapter 4 . 1/11/2015
You pretty much made me cry about a freaking childrens movie that makes me laugh. You are amazing and I love your writing
LightIsTheKey14 chapter 4 . 6/30/2014
*Claps* Very nice indeed! Though, if I have to see another loving character die, I might just kill over myself! Only kidding, but in all honesty, you wrote this out really well. Thanks! -LightIsTheKey14
Guest chapter 1 . 4/18/2014
they have the greatest friendship/bromance i guess,pacha would see him more as a son then a 'brother'
LuckyDuck932 chapter 4 . 4/14/2014
Emperor's New Groove was possibly the first movie I can remember watching when I was little - it was my favorite. And, what, fourteen years later, it still resonates as one of my all time favorites, especially after by the glory of Netflix (as I no longer have a VHS player) I re-watched it. So, as I often do after rediscovering really awesome things from long ago, I looked up what had to offer.

This fic made me smile so much both while reading it and reflecting on it later. It's such a lovely continuation of the events of the first movie. I really love the *span* of time you explore. I think I love the last chapter, right before Pacha's death, the most because I never really thought what their friendship would be like after forty years. I especially love the little flashbacks that Pacha had; they made me tear up. (Didn't help that the song the fic was titled after came on as well.) And the ending flashback where Kuzco names his first born child after Pacha was just perfect.

Speaking of which, I love your OCs. I'm not usually one for fics where OCs play a major part of the story, but the characters you added I grew to love. I actually found myself holding back tears when Huapla scarified himself for the royal family because I grew to like him over the two chapters you included him in. Qolla seemed like someone good for Kuzco and their relationship seemed very real. And I was especially invested with the Yupi/Pachi subplot during the last chapter. I was so glad that Kuzco was accepting of his son - something he must have learned from Pacha.

All and all, a wonderful fic you have here that I'm very grateful to have read. Amazing work
FluffyCluckyCuck chapter 4 . 2/14/2014
I've been rewriting an old fan fic after I watched this movie the other day and decided to go through and read some others'. I gotta say - this one definitely stuck with me! This was so well written and a lovely story all together... the way you went through time showing their relationships was very refreshing and even had me well up at parts. I literally was on the edge of my seat!
And, I really really REALLY loved that ending. Well played, there! Oh, the feels...
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