Reviews for You Made Your Point
FractalTetris chapter 1 . 8/16/2013
Ahaha you really captured the spirit of Wheatley! A SFW fanfic is good once in a while :3
BabyCharmander chapter 1 . 8/16/2013
Once again, you are excellent at writing Wheatley! He's kindof cute at the beginning, with how excited he is that Chell's back, but... then, of course, that's gone quickly when he sees Chell's reaction.

Also, man, your descriptions of the itch make it sound absolutely unbearable. Wheatley's a jerk here, yeah, but it's a little more difficult to blame him when he's suffering from that mess. (Of course I still blame him anyway, and Chell does too. :P) I do like that Chell refuses to solve the test... even though it's not what she does in-game (because then you couldn't really... continue the game), it's still in-character for her. She's probably tired of being pushed around like that.

And dang, Wheatley's so messed up from the chassis and the itch that he doesn't care if he hurts Chell? Oo; I mean, that's what happens in-game, but it's still kinda sad to see him like that... urgh.

Dunno what he's gonna wind up doing to Chell, but it sounds scary...
kinky-kirara chapter 1 . 8/15/2013
Now I always look forward to your amazing fanfiction, mainly the chellys one, but this one, this one I just read.
Tops them all.
TheDualWriter chapter 1 . 8/15/2013
I think that you should keep this going. It is very interesting and it has definitely caught my attention. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Silverstreams chapter 1 . 8/15/2013
First off I like the fic description. Short, but effective. And also all of the little squigglies that are around the title heeheh.

Ahh, of course Wheatley would be mad that Chell's a bit beat up. As if she could help that. But I really do love the way that you write his thought processes—how even though a lot of things are his fault, he still doesn't take responsibility for it.

Gaaah I can't get over how spot-on his dialogue is. I really have no issue at all with hearing his voice in my head. And heeheh I laughed a lot when Wheatley was trying to describe to Chell how to push the button. So perfect.

You're right that this is more dialogue than plot, but that doesn't mean that the exchanges between the characters aren't excellent in their own way. And ahh, Wheatly there's no time limit…and I love how determined Chell is to not solve the test. It seems like it'll pay off. Somewhat. You left a nice window there at the end to continue it if you ever want to, but it seems like this first part stands alone fine. Good job!