Reviews for I Dare You
Guest chapter 16 . 1/2/2018
This was so good ! I laughed so hard !
I'm kind of sad that there's no more chapter...
Anyway that was a good story, well written and everything, loved it !
2009 chapter 16 . 12/23/2017
Okay like I know that you probably never read this. But I write it anyway because I don't have a life. just made me go like wtf? But at the same time it was nice and I liked it.
Shiningpink chapter 16 . 5/30/2016
It's official Arthur and Lovino are crazy and Mathew and Peter are bit OOC, especially Mathew. So thank you for this strange and hilarious fanfiction that is fantastic and very funny
BitterSweet Crazy chapter 16 . 5/17/2016
Arthur does some of the weirdest things! This chapter was super funny, keep it up!
Jung Hyo Hwa chapter 1 . 5/16/2016
Oh no poor Arthur xDD
Jstarpublishings chapter 16 . 5/16/2016
Poor France~
someone chapter 14 . 2/2/2016
I love this so much, it never fails to make me laugh
Ariaprincess chapter 14 . 1/2/2016
This was beautiful. Amazing, well written, and funny as hell. Keep up the good work!
me chapter 14 . 1/2/2016
this is hilarious as hell
pls keep making more of this
oh. and more sass and more prucan pls :)
TheSilentLilac chapter 14 . 1/2/2016
I have been waiting forever for this update and I'm so happy it did. I liked this one and I'm still curious to the reason behind Arthur's paranoia
NinPen chapter 14 . 1/1/2016
I love this so much! Especially the way Arthur is with all his 'that's how they get you' ideas. Please keep up the amazing work!
SherlockedAtHeart chapter 13 . 12/29/2015
Hey! I was just scrolling through a bunch of old un-updated fanfics that I've put in my favourites list and. You should totally update this. Like 100% 10/10 would recommend updating this it'd be an amazing idea I can't think of a better one tbh. Like. Yeah. Good idea updating this. That's all, just thought I'd tell you of my amazing idea :p.
TheSilentLilac chapter 13 . 12/20/2015
I love this and can't wait for the next chapter, I now have a couple of theories to why Arthur is so paranoid, theory one is he's been stalked before (this is also coupled with the theory that he's famous). Theory two is that he has been a stalker. Theory three is that he's a spy. Though in all honesty I'm just curious to see the actual reason :)
Hasenpffiefer chapter 13 . 6/18/2015
That ending was so cute!
skouratapramata chapter 13 . 6/15/2015
Omg, Peter's EVERYWHERE, lol!
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